WIP: Ghostbusters:The Video Game props *pic heavy*

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

Im pretty sure tipping of the ‘studios’ is a big no-no in our hobby . . .grrrr . . .

Assuming anyone tipped them off, between this forum and GBFans there are at least two publically active Terminal Reality staff members.

I honestly don't know if you should be expecting a reply from Atari, they're only the publisher for the 360/PS3 version of the game. I would've thought Terminal Reality would have final say on whether you could or couldn't post the models… and considering they told you to take them down, I imagine they've already spoken.

by imported_ZeoBuster

15 years, 4 months ago

That would be the case wouldn't it kingpin? I have done numorous video game testing in the past and have made friends here in there and the one thing i know for a fact is when someone gives you something like those pics and its supposed to be kept under wraps and not passed around they tell you right off the bat. No if ands or buts about it thats how it is. So stop with the bs accusations.

Note kingpin I'm not directing this at you.

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

Duly noted.

As an asside, I also would've put ‘Terminal Reality’ as a watermark on those images, but that's just me.

by imported_ZeoBuster

15 years, 4 months ago

I know right? Good job on trying to fix your rep buddy, your doing a bang up job so far.

by Progolfercd

15 years, 4 months ago

what's said is true they say no from the get go that stays no. so i wouldn't hold your breath because terminal does still have a say in the matter and as a note they have ways of knowing if those pics end up on the net they from who. also a side note, while we were at E3. i had a nice in depth conversation with a few sony bigwigs. a nice question they asked was “so are you guys sad that you'll have to give the packs back at the end?” i looked at him and giggled a reply of “no we build these, so i'll be definately taking this home” to which they were very impressed, so this hush hush stuff is on a case by case.

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

. . . . . .


15 years, 4 months ago

Rhett Keep me posted on these things. They look immacculate!!! Cant wait to see the final guns.

Check your PM

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

I'll keep posting here. No worries, just wrapping some other things up right now.

I'll tell ya though, I snicker everytime someone gets megative over here, I just can't fathom why people get so worked up about this kinda stuff. Ridiculous . . .

Once I get the word, I'm hoping to be able to post more images up form all of the stuff I've got.

Stay tuned, these props will be awesome once finished.
Oh, and I'll get some pics up on the sizing of these soon.

by imported_ZeoBuster

15 years, 4 months ago

Wow….just…..wow. I hope you do keep posting here i cant wait to see what you have in store for us all.

by imported_ZeoBuster

15 years, 4 months ago

I'll keep posting here. No worries, just wrapping some other things up right now.

I'll tell ya though, I snicker everytime someone gets megative over here, I just can't fathom why people get so worked up about this kinda stuff. Ridiculous . . .

Once I get the word, I'm hoping to be able to post more images up form all of the stuff I've got.

Stay tuned, these props will be awesome once finished.
Oh, and I'll get some pics up on the sizing of these soon.

Yeah I can see why you would snicker when someone gets upset about this stuff seeing as this is how you tend to communicate with people that don’t buy into your bull shit and that your the antagonist and all. Good luck with your props and “hi-res pics” lol If that is indeed what you want to call them.