Wish The Best For My Cat...

by slimelord1

18 years, 2 months ago

My family's black cat (who's a domestic shorthair) has been weak lately, just about two or three weeks after her release from the animal hospital (when this past Summer one of our cousins agreed to take care of her for us because the complex I live at only allows one pet and we have a pug so we had to give our cat to our cousin, and just at the start if this month our cousin didn't take the proper care of our cat so we got her back). Our cat (who is about 15 years of age and kicking for her age) right now is having difficulty walking and appears to have some limb pain, and also may have trouble seeing, we don't know. Earlier today she was taken to the vet and they aren't sure what exactly it is she has, at first they thought it might've been a neurological problem caused by something she may have eaten but it could've been a stroke, we're not sure. She also seems to have a heart murmur. This morning she developed a fever but fortunately it's not too high, however it's making it difficult for the antibiotics to cure her. We were told whatever is causing her to be ill and weak it may not be too serious, and right now we're all hoping for the best but prepared for the worst. Tomorrow will decide everything I guess.
We're all hoping for the best and hoping she'll be fine and will pull through this, and we're hoping she doesn't have to endure what my late grandmother did earlier this year.


by slimelord1

18 years, 2 months ago

Well we just got word that her fever went down a bit but it keeps going up and down, and the neurologist said that when cats are in this condition they deteriorate quickly :-(

by Kingpin

18 years, 2 months ago

Hoping all the best for your cat, Slime Lord.

What's her name?

by slimelord1

18 years, 2 months ago

Her name's Fifi. We don't know the cause of her condition but it sounds like she could possibly have meningitis or an ear infection, we're not sure.

Thanks for the support, it helps a great deal :-(

by gozergirl

18 years, 2 months ago

aw. I hope things work out…but you might want to consider the fact that the cat is 15…maybe her time has come…i mean you dont want her to suffer….
Im not trying to be mean…its just, ive had to put down a few animals, and i know sometimes, giving them a few more months of life may not be the best option…remember, quailty of life not quantity.
That said i really do hope things work out!

by mellie1

18 years, 2 months ago


I will send love to your kitty….and all my 5 kitties will too….expecially my Phoe Phoe (said same as urs…fifi….but it's short from Phoenix)

immortalize ur kitty at www.infinitecat.com my Rogue and Padme are #1075

LOVE to your KITTY!!!! Get better Kitty!!!

by slimelord1

18 years, 2 months ago

Thanks guys We might find out later what she may have that's ailing her. She's an old cat but she's very healthy and we have hope. I'll keep all of you posted, thanks again :-(


18 years, 2 months ago

Slime Lord wrote:
Thanks guys We might find out later what she may have that's ailing her. She's an old cat but she's very healthy and we have hope. I'll keep all of you posted, thanks again

Sorry to hear that your cat is ill. I hope things work out for you and hope that Fifi recovers from her illness. I hope you find out what is ailing her.

by slimelord1

18 years, 2 months ago


Well this morning the vet called us and said Fifi's temperature dropped to normal and her eyesight is improving, and her body functions are normal too. Fifi is still having difficulty walking and is still bobbing her head but she at least is showing some good progress and we hope it'll improve from here on. She's being given antibiotics to help her. The vets still don't know what she has, but bacterial meningitis may be likely and could've been contracted from another cat (our cousin had another cat at her place so maybe Fifi got it from there), and an ear infection hasn't been ruled out.

We're still hoping Fifi pulls through and comes out of this all alive. Thank you all for the support and as always I'll keep you up-to-date on the latest.

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 2 months ago

That's good to hear. I hope Fifi get well soon!