Bad news, he died. He had a FIP, a fatal cat illness. The doctor said he died quickly though, so he didn't feel any pain, thank God for that, cause it can be really painful. :-( (;_
by fome
18 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that
by Sayingkingkilla
18 years ago
Did he/she have any kittens?
by PeterVenkmen
18 years ago
He didn't have any kittens, but a lot of relatives in the house. At least he'll be with his sister in heaven.
by fixer791
18 years ago
Sorry to hear that… Losing pets is never an easy thing…
by Zedd
18 years ago
Oh I'm so sorry! My thoughts are with you - I know if anything happened to my Meatball I'd feel just awful (even though I call her a little bitch).
by thejoker1
18 years ago
Very sorry to hear that, PV :-(
by missygirl8520001
18 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat PV. I sent my sympathies to you.
by slimelord1
17 years, 11 months ago
I'm so sory to hear about your cat, Peter, may he rest in peace