With a New GB Comic on the way, then what about another RGB Cartoon, should there ever be one. . .

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Alright, as we all know, the announcement regarding a New Ghostbusters Comic Book has been made. The Comic will be strictly based on the Original Movie all the way down to the smallest details. The only influences from RGB will be techno babble and gizmos but very few. But earlier, Chad said “Ketchup doesn't think they will target the young kids right away, maybe later in the year 2004. They aren't counting the kids out, the market is just different than 1986 so they have to take that into account.". So if this Comic is successful then there is the possibility that we may see a new Cartoon by 2004 or later.

Here’s how I see it. If the Comic is going to be strictly based on the Original Movie, then the Cartoon should be strictly based on the First Season of The Real Ghostbusters. After all, they’d be marketing it to Kids, and of course, the Ghostheads who loved RGB more than the movie want to see some sort of an RGB Revival. The Comic is a Ghostbusters Revival, so the Cartoon should be a First Season RGB Revival.

What I mean by “the Cartoon should be strictly based on the First Season of The Real Ghostbusters”, are several things. The plot is same one as the First Season of RGB: They’re a New Company, the very first Company that deals with Professional Paranormal Investigations and Eliminations. They’ve just had their biggest bust (Gozer.), and they have a whole lot more money than what they started out with, and they’re still ready to believe you. And the Characters are exactly the same as they were portrayed in the First Season. The First Season was the by far the best season of RGB. The First Season wasn’t ruined by the Kid-Friendly changes and all that other nonsense that came along in the later seasons.

This is how it should be:
1.) Make it darker than the original RGB. Sort of like Batman: The Animated Series, and make the animation style more detailed. Give us good animation. Don’t have a lazy art style, where the Ghost isn’t in the No-Ghost Logo.
2.) Don’t make the Guys boring, incredibly dull all the time, or give them weak personalities. Don’t make them lifeless zombies. Use THE GHOSTBUSTERS FACT LIST for characterization, information on how the equipment works, the Ghost Classification System, and to avoid errors in continuity and confusion. Give us that classic RGB Dialogue and those memorable lines.
3.) Lots of Ghosts and Monsters. A “Frighteners” feel to it with a touch of Poltergeist, and H.P. Lovecraft influences, with some Ghostbusters style humor. Give us good plots, and lots of comedy. If it’s possible, get J. Michael Straczynski to come back as story editor, and writer. Have the storylines taking place in the Present Time, Manhattan, NY, 2003, or whatever year this RGB Revival is released, should it ever happen. Don't give us completely recycled Story Lines. Give us new ones, but remain true to the Core Continuity of the Original Movie and the First Season of RGB.
4.) They’re a business! They don’t work for free! Have them hassle customers for their pay every now and then.
5.) They’re Scientists, in their case, Professional Paranormal Investigators and Eliminators, not Superheroes. And remember, the three original Ghostbusters are Doctors (Dr. Egon Spengler, Dr. Raymond Stantz, Dr. Peter Venkman, etc.), with degrees.
6.) Keep Slimer as their Pet, but don’t have him going with them on busts, or saving them all the time. Don’t change his name back to “Onionhead”, keep it “Slimer“.
7.) This is an RGB Revival, not an Original Ghostbusters Movie Revival. There’s no need for ”Four guys in tan who kinda look like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson" or “a Crossbreed between the Movie Characters and the RGB Characters”, since that was for a Comic that was strictly based on the Original Movie. So that’s why the RGB Likenesses should be used in this RGB Revival. It’s no hassle to use their Likenesses. They don’t have to get copyrights or pay royalties. The RGB’s appearances are one of the things that made them recognizable and unique. And as several Members stated earlier, the RGB likenesses improved the look of the Ghostbusters. Plus, it will make it easier for the young Kids and even Us can tell them apart. I loved Mark Brooks/El Diablo's Character Art Work of the RGB Characters. His art style was very mature, and it was definitely detailed for ages 17 and up. They looked so real, yet they were just Two-Dimensional. They just needed some improvement. Those Study Cases should be used as the Characters, but with some improvement. Such as:
Dr. Egon Spengler: Put some meat on his bones. Make his glasses red.
Dr. Raymond Stantz: Make him thinner, but keep him a little chubbier than everyone else, like the way he was on RGB. Give him the same face and nose that he had on RGB.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Give him the same hairdo he had on RGB.
Winston Zeddemore: Tone him down. Don't make him so muscular. Give him the same body and face that he had on RGB.
8.) As for the equipment, make all of the equipment (The Boots, the Gloves, the Elbow Pads, the Proton Packs/A.L.I.C.E. Frames/Neutrona Wands, the Pistol Belts the Walkie-talkies, the Circuit Board Pouch, the Ghost-Sniffer, the Ecto-Goggles, the Ghost Traps, the P.K.E. Meter, and the Ecto-Scope.), the Ecto-1, and the Firehouse appear EXACTLY the same way as they did in the Movie. The only equipment that should remain true to RGB, are the Ecto-2, Ecto-4 (From the NOW RGB Comic series, this is a small gyrowing Aircraft designed and built by Dr. Egon Spengler. It can hold it's pilot and at least four passengers. It's equipped with a proton gun, but it's real jewel is the built-in Transdimensional Drive, an evolution of Egon's earlier Dimensional Gate technologies from “Egon's Ghost”, and “The Copycat”. The drive is hideously expensive to build and operate, however.), and the Giant Ecto-Containment Unit, that was re-built.
9.) As I stated before, they should keep the multicolored RGB Jumpsuits. That also would make it easier for young Kids and Us to tell them apart. Give them Nametags (In the same font that was used in GB II.). And of course, keep the original Ghostbusters Logo. But put it on the right shoulder of the Jumpsuit.
10.) Try to get the original Voice Actors back. Frank Welker (Dr. Raymond Stantz and Slimer.), Maurice LaMarche (Dr. Egon Spengler.), Arsenio Hall (Winston Zeddemore. But if he’s unavailable, We could always use Buster Jones again.), Someone who sounds almost EXACTLY like Lorenzo Music (Dr. Peter Venkman. Please DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT give us Dave Coulier again! ), Someone who sounds almost EXACTLY like Laura Summer or Annie Potts (Janine Melnitz. Please DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, give us Kathie Soucie again! ), and Rodger Bumpass (Louis Tully, should he ever be on there.).
11.) Don’t use this Cartoon just as an excuse to promote a Toy Line. That was one of the things where EGB went wrong. Remember that the main reason this Cartoon exists, is to entertain the Viewers - Us, the Ghostheads who loved RGB more than the Original Movie. Speaking of a Toy Line, of course you’ve got to have one! But it needs to be a high-quality Toy Line. Don’t get Trendmasters to do it. Theirs were too small, and broke easily. Kenner is out of business. They were bought out by Hasboro. I don’t know if it would be a good idea to have Hasboro do it. Their Toys’ Likenesses (Yes, even Cartoon ones.) aren’t very good, and their toy-making technology isn’t very modern. Palisades would be a PERFECT company to make the toys. So get them to do that.
12.) A few more miscellaneous notes that I’d like to add: Egon always takes his P.K.E. Meter with him on busts (And just about everywhere else, too.). So why not give him his Ecto-Scope (Enhanced Stethoscope he’s seen wearing in the NY Public Library at the beginning of the First GB Movie.) to wear too? It was the second most important piece of Equipment to him, the P.K.E. Meter being the first. Speaking of how Egon always has the P.K.E. Meter on busts, Ray should always have his Ecto-Goggles with him on busts. He always had them in the Movie, although sometimes he just left them on his pistol belt. And remember, Ray is the equipment/gadget guy. He’s always the one with the Ecto-Goggles and the Ghost Trap. And last, but not least, how about J. Michael Straczynski (If it’s possible to get him to come back as story editor, and writer.) does an adaptation of Citizen Ghost for this RGB Revival?

Things that SHOULD NOT, I repeat, SHOULD NOT be in this RGB Revival:
1.) Crime-Busting.
2.) Blue cartoony-looking equipment.
3.) Anything from or like Slimer! And The Real Ghostbusters.
4.) Professor Dweeb.
5.) Slimer with totally coherent speech. Slimer being called “Onionhead”.
6.) Junior Ghostbusters.
7.) The “new” Peter (Dave Coulier’s Dr. Peter Venkman, W/ his acceptance of Slimer, and calling him “Spud” in a good way.).
8.) The “new” Janine (Replacing Laura Summer with Kath Soucie, and making her a Kid-Friendly Mother-Figure W/ an irritating annoying Helium-sounding voice.).
9.) Politically Correct Nonsense.
10.) Cartoony-looking art style, like the kind on Slimer! And The Real Ghostbusters or a Lazy art style, where the Ghost isn’t in the No-Ghost Logo, like on EGB.

Well, that’s about everything that I can think of for now. So what do you guys think? :0 :O

by Ghostbuster626

21 years, 9 months ago

While I agree it should follow the first season closely, I think we would all love to see familar villains return..Sam Haine, Boogeyman, etc. were some of the coolest and scariest villians ever I would love for them to return(they were even originally supposed to have cameos in both GB movies). I really want to see a new GB cartoon, I hope 88MPH has one in the works.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

I completely agree with both of you.

doc reydale, you hit it right on the head. I think thats exactly what every fan wants to happen. Perfect.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

WOW! :0 :O

Thanks, Guys! Yes, that's how a new Cartoon/RGB Revival should be. Strictly based on the First Season of RGB, and not on the Original Movie. So I'll stop posting these ideas for the New Comic, and post them for an RGB Revival, here is in this topic. We'll leave the Comic strictly based on the Original Movie, and have a New Cartoon strictly based on the First Season of RGB. :s :d

It would be GREAT to have Sam Hain and The Boogeyman return in an RGB Revival! They were Everyone's favorite Villains/Ghosts/Monsters or whatever you want to call them.

I hope this dream will come true. . . soon.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

Okay, here is my problem with “fans”…

If you take a product that was popular once upon a time, and you try to update it so that it can be popular to a whole new audience, you will always have that contingent on die-hard fans that want things to be EXACTLY the way they used to be. The problem with that is that if you give them what they say they want, the first thing that's going to happen is that those same people are going to start complaining that you “still aren't doing it right”. I've seen it happen. What is wrong with taking the characters, and creating something new?

The two big cartoon “revivals” right now are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and He-Man. Both of them are incredibly popular, and frankly incredibly well done. (barring some animation problems on MotU, but I digress) The way they have made these cartoons popular is they went back to square one. they figured out what it was that people liked about the characters…what worked in the first place, and they built on that. They also figured out what did NOT work, and fixed that. Stuff like Prince Adam not being He-Man in a shirt, and so on.

Let's face it, this is not the 80's. Kids are different today than when we were kids 15-20 years ago (god…today's my 25th birthday, I should not be feeling old). If you do things EXACTLY like was done before, then the kids are going to a) laugh at it, and b) not dig it too much. Boil it down. Find the essence. Build on that. Indroduce concepts and “easter eggs” from the old series, but let the writers work for crying out loud. Don't tie their hands or we could miss out on something that would be truly excellent. I mean, do you want the Ninja Turtles to go back to shilling for Pizza Hut and screaming “Cowabunga” all the time? Try and be a little open minded.

by mellie

21 years, 9 months ago

my thoughts exactly toygeek. The new TMNT is great, they took elements from the original comics, the old cartoon, and even stuff from the movies, to create a new show for everyone. If you even look at the crap kids watch these days *cough cough* bey blades *cough cough*….all those weird card fighter shows…. …..and yes…our beloved cartoons of the 80s were cheesy to say the least…..looking back of course…so for the GB revival to work out things need to be revised for the kids of today.
WHy people ask for something, and then complain about it is beyond me. You wanted a gb revival…and ur getting it….you must have realized that it wouldn't be exactly the same…..so calm down and go with the flow :s

by BeerStud62

21 years, 9 months ago

I think it should not be like RGB and just be it's own thing, something new, something different, not the same old stuff we've all seen before.

by Spooky

21 years, 9 months ago

I dont lije the idea of “RGB revival” either but the plans for the cartoon all sound good. But bring the Junior GBs back sometime, they were cool.

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

If there is a cartoon revival it will most likely follow the same suit as the comic, ie same characters. Most likely it will pretend RGB never happened, as if the movie's were the real thing and not the Real Ghostbusters. So the cartoon will probabley just be Ghostbusters and will just be the movie, so RGB will no longer be real, it wil just be another thing based of hte Movie based cartoon, comic and films.

by Specter

21 years, 9 months ago

The way I see it is this: Take the art from the new comic, and use that and make a feature length animated movie to kick off a new series. Have character building and layed back scenes, as well as a ghostbusting montage, and a huge villain at the end that is worked up to throughout the film. Put that on TV and on DVD with the first few episodes of the cartoon.