With a New GB Comic on the way, then what about another RGB Cartoon, should there ever be one. . .

by roshangar

21 years, 9 months ago

What I wanna see is the events of the first movie animated!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey, all of you have brought up some excellent points. But remember, some of these ideas aren’t exactly the same as “the way it used to be”. Yes, some ideas (Okay, maybe a bit more than some. ), are the way they used be, but some ideas are slightly new and different.

I’m not saying this would be a spin-off to RGB, I’m saying it would sort of be like what Sinister said, that it would restart the RGB’s story all over again. It could take place right after the first movie. Citizen Ghost!

I don’t particularly care for using that art from the new Comic in a First Season RGB Revival. That art is better for the Comic, since it’s strictly based on the Original Movie. And this is a First Season RGB Revival. I’d much rather see close Movie Likenesses used in the Comic, and RGB Likenesses used in this Cartoon.

I’ve also edited #6 (Keep Slimer as their Pet. Don’t change his name back to “Onionhead”, keep it “Slimer”.), on my list above. I added “but don’t have him going with them on busts, or saving them all the time.”. I also edited #1 (Make it darker than the original RGB, and make the animation style more detailed. Give us good animation. Don’t have a lazy art style, where the Ghost isn’t in the No-Ghost Logo.), and added “Sort of like Batman: The Animated Series.”.

BTW, keep posting your ideas and opinions. :s :d

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

“Ketchup doesn't think they will target the young kids right away, maybe later in the year 2004. They aren't counting the kids out, the market is just different than 1986 so they have to take that into account.”

You want to know what happened to the market of 1986? All the kids - of whom everything was geared towards - well, those kids grew up. Now they're gearing everything towards the people of our generation. After all, we're the same people that were hit with Ghostbusters advertisements back in 1986, so who better than us to aim for advertisements today?

By the way, Matthew (can I call you Matthew?), fantastic job. You got it, my man.

EDIT: Matt to Matthew. Thanks, Veedramon.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Call him Matthew, Evil Toaster. He hates being called Matt

Doc, I love the idea but unfortunately I think some other posters are correct: a new cartoon would probably follow the “four guys in tan who sorta look like Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson” look of the new comic. I've made no secret of the fact that I would've preferred more RGB to their appearances (the El Diablo versions were pretty close to a perfect compromise, save for the chest straps and “Winston smash!!!”) but let's face it, we've lost that battle.

But remember: RGB ran for six years, spawning a spin-off and a sequel (granted, neither was popular), making it one of the most successful movie to TV translations of all time, certainly the most successful cartoon adaptation. Red and company, and any conjectural animated series, would be stupid to completely ignore it: just like the various X-Men and Batman cartoons have had their own spin while bringing in elements of other versions, a writer of a new comic or cartoon would be foolish to toss out an idea “just because it was in RGB”.

Or to cite another example I used in the dearly departed It's Coming thread: Marvel's “Ultimate” line of comics. They rebooted the continuity without sacrificing the core essences of the characters as developed over four decades. And to a lot of us, RGB Season One (especially the works of JMS) are just as much a part of the Ghostbusters' core essence as the movies. “Ultimate Ghostbusters” will hopefully keep that in mind :s

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

:s :d Thank you, evil_toaster!

And Fritz (Veedramon.) is almost right (I hate nothing and no one. Instead of hating, I just strongly dislike. ). I can't stand being called “Matt”. It's no better than hearing fingernails scraping a chalkboard. But you can call me “Matthew”. In fact all of you can. I want all of you to call me “Matthew”, if you want to.

Hey Veedramon, you've given me an idea! If this new idea that I have for an First Season RGB Revival were to happen (And it might just happen, eventually. . . ), then the same succesful things that have happened to Batman: The Animated Series and Scooby-Doo (I can't stand Scooby-Doo, but this is something that has happened to it literally dozens of times. ) could happen. What I mean is, it could lead to many T.V. Movies, Mini-serieses, and Spin-Offs. Wouldn't that be great (Minus recycling plots over and over again, if possible. )? I'd still want to see RGB Likenesses and Jumpsuits (W/ Nametags.) used, though. :s :d

BTW, what would an Ultimate RGB be like? :0 :O

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

I'm fuzzy on the whole “ultimate” thing….

Oh, and Matthew, call me Chris.

by Specter

21 years, 9 months ago

On “Ultimates”:

A while back, Marvel launched “Ultimate Spider-Man” and “Ultimate X-Men” and recently “The Ultimates.”

What the Spider-Man and X-Men books are, are retellings of the origin stories, told with a modern spin. I've flipped through some Ultimate Spider-Man, by Brian Michael Bendis, and loved it. They should've had him script the Spider-Man movie.

I read another series of his called “Sam and Twitch” and would love to see him write a Ghostbusters story. If he did, you could rest assured that it would be top-notch writing, and also flow smoothly and feel real.

“Ultimate Ghostbusters” is a very good idea/way of looking at things. I also loved the idea of the Batman: TAS /Batman Beyond animators doing the next Ghostbusters cartoon. They've got a cool style, that can be both dark(Batman), and light(Superman).

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

I just want a new cartoon using the new animation, starting from scratch on the entire thing, pretending RGB and EGB never happened. It should just be called Ghostbusters or Columbia Pictures' Ghostbusters

by SmokingTrap

21 years, 9 months ago

Sinister has a reasonably good point.

I'd like to see the new products pick up where the first movie left off - not because I don't like RGB (that show has a lot of fond memories for me), but because this time round there may be a different target audience. The new revival might be aimed at adult fans, people who grew up with the movie as a childhood favourite, rather than younger kids.
Marvel and DC have all “re-booted” universes before, using the same basics but giving characters a more modern spin. Who's to say that 88 MPH can't do that with their Ghostbusters lines? After all, we appear to be getting movie-styled characters and equipment.

Although it would be possible for 88 MPH to respect RGB continuity, I'd rather like to see what they'd do if given free rein to start over after Ecto-1 pulls away from Central Park West.

by GhostbustaD

21 years, 9 months ago

Well while waiting a while i came back to GBNET and well i realy feel this is it…that…GHOSTBUSTERS ARE BACK!!!!

:s :s :s :s :s :s :d :d :d :d

I can't believe i ever doubted red or chris for a second i feel so bad and im sorry about that :f :u

However…if where getting a comic…is that it? I thought there was more..oh well comic is sweet enough for me

So peace yo, and uh….i really hope more gb stuff r out…Now we should take this time to….thank everyone who…made this gb revival thing happen