With a New GB Comic on the way, then what about another RGB Cartoon, should there ever be one. . .

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

I'm just saying the new comic and hypothetical new cartoon shouldn't slavishly recycle RGB, but shouldn't totally disregard it, either. The future from the end of the battle with Gozer is wide open…it doesn't have to resemble RGB (or even GB2) much at all.

But what I'm saying is that the wealth of backstory created by RGB should not be thrown out the window either. A couple of examples of what I mean…

1. Egon being haunted in his childhood by a supernatural creature. It doesn't necessarily have to be exactly like RGB's Boogeyman, but this idea provides such a compelling explaination as to why a person who otherwise seems like such a straight-laced devotee of science would accept the paranormal.

2. If Venkman's dad shows up, and he's nothing like the…morally challenged hustler Charlie Venkman is seen to be in RGB, a lot of us will be severely disappointed. Room for new spins exist without disrespecting the Charlie Venkman we know–maybe he's gone from small-time hustling to big-time hustling and is an Enron exec or something :d

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

I see your meaning there mon, and I support them! I think stuff like that's ok, but it generally needs to be tottaly original and nothing like RGB. And as much as I like EGB… well I think that needs to stay out of it.

by roshangar

21 years, 9 months ago

I'd prefer something fresh and original instead of a rehash of RGB.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago


Veedramon is correct. Don’t recycle RGB, but don’t disregard it, either. This wouldn't be a rehash of RGB. I'd like to see THE GHOSTBUSTERS FACT LIST used used ONLYfor characterization/background info on Characters, information on how the equipment works, and the Ghost Classification System. That's the #1 thing that I want to be used. And I'll stop bringing it up (It's Veedramon's turn to do that now! ). I know you Guys are getting tired of hearing that. I think I've gotten my points across with it.

As said above, the idea of the Batman: TAS/Batman Beyond Animators doing this Revival Cartoon is cool. It's like what Specter said, “they've got a cool style, that can be both dark (Batman.), and light (Superman.).” I'd still like to see RGB Character Likenesses used, though. It would be cool to have El Diablo come and design improved Character Likenesses simular to his drawings.

Something else important that we’d need would be music. New music. This Series would need a soundtrack with modern music. And what about the GB theme? Wouldn't it need to be redone into an updated/modern version? I don’t know a whole lot about the music. Where’s Zack when you need him?

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

**edited because part of what I said is no longer necessary…though the rest might be useful to someone else.

A couple points need to be made here…

First off, a new cartoon isn't even on the radar yet. If it were, someone would have heard something by now. Cartoons require a lot more money and staff to pull off, even when animation is done overseas. Plus there's the fact that we have JUST gotten what appears to be our first look at a final design. If they were anywhere near working on a cartoon already, then the final designs would already be well in place. We saw the last Ray (AKA “fat Ray”). We know that the new Ray was done by the new artist. The timing just doesn't match.

Secondly, telling the exact same story that someone else already told is suicide. Look at He-Man. I was a HUGE fan of the original He-Man cartoons, I admit it. But I'm also a huge fan of the new cartoon. Why? Because even though they paid close attention to the details, and made sure that the core of the characters stayed the same…I have never seen the kingdom of Eternia like this. They're not trying to ignore the old series, they're just telling it differently (Marvel's Ultimate line is a good example too!). Leaving out the things that didn't work, like the queen being from Earth. And adding to the things that did, like finally getting Stinkor into the show (he was never in the old series).

Bottom line is that if you draw these lines, and hold them to some expectation, then you're going to be disappointed. And honestly, I can virtually guarantee that you'd be MORE disappointed if they did what you're asking. Though for the record, I think they should go back and spend the first year of the comic re-telling the movie. It would go a long way to setting up the universe and how it works, while giving everyone a structure they can live with. Kinda like how the new TMNT cartoon borrows a lot from the original Eastman/Laird comic. You know where the story is going, but you don't really know how it's going to get there. I like that.

(And please…we ALL know where you think they should get their background information. You've brought it up in no less than half a dozen enormous posts. You can stop beating the horse now…I think it's dead.)

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

NOTE: I edited my post above, to get rid of a bad idea, and post some better ones.

I am truly sorry, toygeek. :s :d You couldn't be more right about an animated remake of the Original Movie. That was a bad idea (Especially that bad idea that I decided to get rid of. ). Now I don't think there should be any type of remake of it, even if it is just an animated remake. That Movie was a classic. And “If it's not broke, don't fix it.”. I apologize. :s :d It was just an idea. I didn't say or think that should be done.

I'm sorry I keep on mentioning THE GHOSTBUSTERS FACT LIST. That's just the #1 thing that I want to be used. I'll stop bringing it up (It's Veedramon's turn to do that now! ). I know you Guys are getting tired of hearing that. I think I've gotten my points across with it.

Now, on to the positiveness. Tell us some more ways we can make it better and successful. :s :d

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

Personally, I think the best way to make sure that any possible Ghostbusters cartoon is successful is to keep an open mind. There are some truly excellent writers out there, and there are a lot of folks that LOVE the Ghostbusters. As long as they get some of those working on it, the project is going to be good…as long as you don't go in demanding that it be done a certain way.

Same goes for the comic. Keep an open mind. I saw a post earlier asking why there was no yellow cord on that picture of Ray that they put up…is it really that big a deal? Let the writers write. It's what they do. Make sure you support EVERY effort they make with the project. That way they can make more. Give constructive criticism…don't just say “this sucks”. We have a fairly unique opportunity here to help shape where this might go, seeing as Red comes here…don't waste it.

That's about all I've got for now, but you get the idea.

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

In short… the new cartoon should be an extension of the films and remain true to them and not RGB.

So really Dana needs to apear at first and slowly drift away from Pete (if we are starting from just after GB1 remember what she said in 2? “It was when you satrted introducing me as the old ball and chain, thats when I left…”

Louis would obviously make apearences as the GBs finance guy… but never as a GB.

And after a while, maybe end series 2, the GBs have to have a court case where they get shut down. And obviously, Start of series three could pick up after GB2. With Dana back with peter and Oscar there too…

by KWilliams

21 years, 9 months ago

I know there's die-hard fans of the cartoon (and I appreciate it, too, but), I HOPE HOPE HOPE there's no more RGB cartoons out there.

If something else is done, it needs to be in conjunction with the new comic book to maintain the continuity of it all!

And I hope it's better animated, if it's done, than anime-styled cartooning.