WOO-HOO!!! finals week is next week! YESSS!!!

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

isn't finals week just the best!? i mean, come on… all of the stress… the urge to go live in the mountains by yourself for the rest of your life… I'M FREAKIN OUT HERE PEOPLE!! i've spent all night studying a semesters worth of b.s. i have like 4 papers (3 of those are extra credit) due next week. i guess this board is kinda like my home away from home to gripe about school. i have to have a 3.5 gpa in order to keep my scholarship. i'm cuttin it close now. i have a music test tomorow i didn't even know about. i dont' even have notes from that class!! i can't build my proton pack if i don't get my extra scholarship money. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
sorry for venting. anyone else worried about finals?

by ProtonCharger

23 years, 2 months ago

i havent studied at all. i need to keep a 2.75 to keep my 75%scholarship, i have a 2.25… i have taken all my finals, my last one is tomorrow.
then im out of this hole of a town until jan. unless im bringin a lady to my bachelor pad…wink