Working PKE

by dr.spengler4468

22 years, 4 months ago

I am looking fof a very good prop of the pke meter. I want it to look like the ones in the movies and I want it to be a full working model. I will pay up to $30 for it. If anyone is interested please e-mail at Thanks!


22 years, 4 months ago

$30? thats not very realistic
Do you have any idea what it even costs to make a prop like that?

by dr.spengler4468

22 years, 4 months ago

If no one can make cheap enough to sell it to me for $30 then can someone send me some detailed instuctions on how to build one?

by sg1star

22 years, 4 months ago

there are no real plans telling u how to make one, ive made a few and i can tell u, after iona cost which can be anywhere from 5.00 to 80.00 u have modfication cost, excpet to spend about 20.00 there depending on what matiral u use, the eletroics depending on how good u want it to work can run form 100.00 to 300.00 and more. (servos are the best way)