Yes, and things get ruined every day all over the place, but we don't always focus on it. If you see thw towers in a movie, that's great to remember them, but just not EVERYone was as effected by it. Such as things like this happening elsewhere that don't effect you as much. Everyone is different and everyone doesn't see things the same. Like I said, if you live in NY or you were close to the towers, it's most likely gonna effect you more than say people in California. People in CA lose things from earthquakes and all and I doubt people in NY notice very much. Some people don't wanna watch movies and see these things that are gone and get all depressed about it. They wanna just watch and enjoy the movie. I've never noticed the towers in the movie, but now it makes the movie feel a lot different cos I'll be thinking of that. Some people would rather not go through that.
You're right, it's nothing to fight about. To each his own. If it doesn't bother someone as much as it bothers you, be glad they don't get upset and cry about it when they see things in movies like some people do. If someone doesn't wanna keep looking at the negatives in life, that's up to them. It doesn't mean they weren't at all effected by the tragedy, but we do have to try and move one, no matter how hard it is. Not forget, but just attempt to keep going with our lives. Otherwise we're letting the people responsible for these crimes get what they want. They wanna stop our regular routines. So by all means, grieve over things, but don't let it overtake your life, because that's the whole point of these acts.