Worst School Year You Ever Had Experince

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 9 months ago

Hey what was the worst school year that you ever had when you were in school?

I have some:

3rd grade it was great. But the school I went to we didn't get year books or go on many field trips only 2 that's it.

6th grade that year I became a diabetic and we had assigned seats for the year when my other principal left and we had gotten Mrs. Osmond for the replacement and she was a bit mean sometimes.

8th grade: i was harassed by a boy and my dad had to come up to the school to get it straighten out.

10th grade it was truly heck for me; failed algerbra, a whole bunch of fights, we had a bomb threat and I almost got a detention for leaving when my mom had signed me out. No winterfest or spring fling dance at all. We only had one dance that year.

12th grade senior year, a school strike kids running amok and a tv was thrown downstairs. Our senior class didn't do much, no fashion show, car wash, senior field trips or grad night. And no senior prank or drill team. My old principal Ms. Houchings didn't let us do much and she was also a bit mean and stricter, too. Also someone had sent a raccoon head to her and it was very gross. :@

I'm glad that I've graduated from there and doing okay after what happened.

What was yours?

by gbandrew1

17 years, 9 months ago

Mine wasn't really a whole year, but the 2nd semester of my Freshman year of college and the 1st semester of my sophmore year:

2nd Semester of Freshman year:
-Started off solid
-Got a job
-Good grades


-Towards end of semester my girlfriend of nearly 2 years and I grew apart once she got a job
-Found out just days after the semester ended that she had been cheating on me and the relationship ended immediately, sent me into a rather deep depression for the summer till I met someone new and finally pulled myself out of the hole Id been in

1st Semester of Sophmore Year:
-Started off well enough
-Girlfriend left me at the end of october
-Got together with a good friend of mine at the end of November
-Earlier mentioned good friend threatened to kill me

Long story short, by January they were married and she was expecting his kid by March.

More personal that it should have been probably, but yeah, worst school years for me.

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 9 months ago

I'm sorry to hear what happened to you. I'm glad you did good after all that.

I forgot to mention that I did get somewhat teased in middle and high school, too. We also didn't have a homecoming parade of bondfire. Our senior class was the only class who didn't get one. It really sucked. :@

by Dr.D

17 years, 9 months ago

My freshman year (which I am glad has just ended) was terrible. First, I get good grades in all my classes, except algebra, unless you count a D as a good grade. I get asked to a dance, only to have the girl make MY SISTER tell me that she (the girl who asked me) decided to ask someone else. Another girl I asked out tried to kick me in the balls because I didn't know she had a boyfriend. We had a fight that will be burned into my mind because there was literally a trail of blood down the hallway. Two boys threw another one into a metal doorjam, knocking out his teeth. We get a rasicst letter sent home basically saying that our school is now, and I quote “not only upper middle class caucasians, but a variety of ethnicities”. So there!

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 9 months ago

Education wise, 10th grade to 12th grade. But that was the fun part.

I always slept in class, and never really did anything, since I'd proove the teachers wrong on why I needed it in real life.

Teacher: You NEED this course!
Me: For what? Some stupid little peice of paper that says “IM GUD AT LEARNIN”
Teacher: No, for real life!
Me: Give me an example, of me, someone who wants to be a Police Officer, is going to use anything in your class. (Math) Aside from the simple stuff. Mind you, I want to be a street-cop.
Teacher: Well..uh..
Me: Exactly. -goes back to sleep-

I had fights like that ALLLL the time. I was in Summer School 3 times too.

But hey, I showed them, I got my peice of paper that says I'm good at learning, and a scholarship to a college worth $32,000 dollars. For doing nothing.


by misfit1

17 years, 9 months ago

School, man I dropped out of school when I was 14 and got a job. Sometimes I kinda regret it, but not much. I like money.

by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years, 8 months ago

My 9th grade year. I only had to go through one semester. During spring break of the 2nd semester I broke my hip. All for a damn boy lol. I was only 15 and almost died. I passed and went to my softmore year. When I look back after 10 years. I wished I had listen to my grams when she told me to stay home. I begged my brother to take me. And in the end it was really my fault.

I was in a serious truck accident with my brother. he was going to fast around a curve. And we flipped. Scared that the truck might blow. I tried to exit out while it was up side down. And I tried to stand. And I couldn't. I saw my brother laying on the grass. He had already gotton out. He kept saying “I'm sorry…” When it was really my fault.

I remember they had to transport me from one hosiptal to another. And a good looking parametic was in there with me. And he was a cute one hehe. I kept my eyes on him. When I got to Augusta, Georgia. I remember seeing my grams, but I kept losing conconious. I wake up and I felt like I had been upducted by aliens. I'm serious The way I was going in and out. I didn't know what was going on. I wake up and see people that looked like aliens. They made me drink some flat coca cola. They said I had nothing in my system. So I had to drink something. Those doctors did nothing but poke, do surgery. And put me through pure *ell that whole night. By 2 am I get to my room. 11 straight hours of *ell. I kept saying every hour. “When do I get to go to my room?” That whole night I felt like Jamie Lee curtis in Halloween 2. I felt so helpless and scared.

The good thing is that I can walk just like I used too. But still never risk your life over some man/woman. I learned a lesson from that. I didn't think I ever date again. I didn't think I ever forget it. But I did.. And I think everytime.. “How could I have been so stupid” lol. You just have to let those wounds heal and move on.


by missygirl8520001

17 years, 8 months ago

After I got out of high school, I did some college only for one year, though. Because I didn't do too well in Math or in Microsoft Coumpter class those were tough! And the only classes I passed was english and the history of africa (barely) I felt very frustrated and stessed. So that's why the gollege thing didn't work out for me.

by EgonsBabe

17 years, 5 months ago

Grade 9.

Words cannot express how truly bad that year was for me. I don't know how it got out, but it seemed that practically the whole damn school found out about my interest in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Not one friggin' day would go by without some jerkoff shouting PR slogans at me. I could not go anywhere to get away from them. Not only that, I was also razzed about my preferences of music, more specifically that I liked Duran Duran. Bunch of useless turds in that school the whole lot of them. Came thisclose to taking my own life, and believe me I had a plan in mind on how I'd do it. Luckily, someone talked some sense into me, as I am still here. When summer rolled around, I said on the very last day, “Goodbye, and GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH!”.

by Dreamstalker

17 years, 5 months ago

My junior year of high school to graduation. I have Asperger's, and for some reason, even following a diagnosis by the top AS expert in the country, the school refused to give me accommodations we were asking for (untimed testing, help with essay writing, etc). Basically, if you didn't have an obvious physical or severe behavioral disability, you were lying (so basically to get the services I was legally entitled to I needed to get maimed or arrested).

Two teachers had it in for me:

English: After telling me in the usual progress meeting I would get a B, she turns around and fails me. The claim was plagiarism on a final paper, with no evidence. That grade was never changed, even after threats of a suit (stemming from above refusal to do anything regarding my disability, we could prove that this was linked).

Social studies: After struggling badly all year, I studied my tail off and managed an A on the final exam. Teacher seemed convinced that I must have cheated, she got an earful from my mom and relented.

I was also held back a year for not completing a “senior paper”..I was unable to take said class due to various scheduling screwups on their part. When I finally was able to take that required class…I was shuffled into a special-ed English class that I was far too intelligent for. Seriously, a whole semester was spent on in-class reading and “journals” on some young adult sports novel (the kind with some insipid moral lesson at the end)….I finished that dumb little book on the first day and could answer any question on any chapter (and told the teacher this, but that made her act even more patronizing, as if I were a little kid who didn't want to follow directions). I still wonder at times how I kept my sanity through that mess…

When I would get bored and start surreptitiously reading my usual (Bradbury, Heinlein, Lovecraft et al) I would be reprimanded “come on now, this is much too complicated, let's keep up with the class”.

Second semester we had to keep “reading logs”. I did mine on such things as Lovecraft, Chambers, Poe, and other oddness.