My junior year of high school to graduation. I have Asperger's, and for some reason, even following a diagnosis by the top AS expert in the country, the school refused to give me accommodations we were asking for (untimed testing, help with essay writing, etc). Basically, if you didn't have an obvious physical or severe behavioral disability, you were lying (so basically to get the services I was legally entitled to I needed to get maimed or arrested).
Two teachers had it in for me:
English: After telling me in the usual progress meeting I would get a B, she turns around and fails me. The claim was plagiarism on a final paper, with no evidence. That grade was never changed, even after threats of a suit (stemming from above refusal to do anything regarding my disability, we could prove that this was linked).
Social studies: After struggling badly all year, I studied my tail off and managed an A on the final exam. Teacher seemed convinced that I must have cheated, she got an earful from my mom and relented.
I was also held back a year for not completing a “senior paper”..I was unable to take said class due to various scheduling screwups on their part. When I finally was able to take that required class…I was shuffled into a special-ed English class that I was far too intelligent for. Seriously, a whole semester was spent on in-class reading and “journals” on some young adult sports novel (the kind with some insipid moral lesson at the end)….I finished that dumb little book on the first day and could answer any question on any chapter (and told the teacher this, but that made her act even more patronizing, as if I were a little kid who didn't want to follow directions). I still wonder at times how I kept my sanity through that mess…
When I would get bored and start surreptitiously reading my usual (Bradbury, Heinlein, Lovecraft et al) I would be reprimanded “come on now, this is much too complicated, let's keep up with the class”.
Second semester we had to keep “reading logs”. I did mine on such things as Lovecraft, Chambers, Poe, and other oddness.