Worst School Year You Ever Had Experince

by Addiemonster

17 years, 5 months ago

First semester of my eleventh grade year (2001) saw me driven out of school by bullies and staff that decided there was nothing wrong with being beat up, harassed, and receiving death threats for no conceivable reason other than, “we don't like you”.

I got my GED a month later and couldn't be doing better.

by onionheadedfreak

17 years, 5 months ago

My senior year: 9/11 happened, which really wasn't the worst thing that happened. My best friend got arrested the night before prom for something he never did. Not entirely certain how they even suspected him, let alone convicted him. My first heart break and I had to put up with the first bad teacher I've ever had the mispleasure of dealing with.
My senior year trumps it all as the worst. Also the first time in my life that I began to see the problems with organized religion, so you can add losing faith in there.

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

Every last one of my school years SUCKED (*flame)

I hated school and all the kids there

On my last year of school is when I lost it, I stopped speaking to all them. Everyone was a conniving backstabbing bastard in that hellhole

Then the VA Tech school shooting happened and everyone went “Oh my God we need to stop people from being loners in school cause they will snap” I remember the schools Superintendent came up to me one day and started asking me if I was feeling alright, Can you belief it! They actually thought I was a danger to the school cause I was unhappy and didn’t talk much… BUNCH OF IDOITS!

Then near the end of the school year a kid in my grade committed suicide and another kid in my grade about a week later was killed in a car crash. I remember all the kids at that school would always showoff the fact they owned cars, I guess they learned the hard way that driving is no game. The amazing thing is the crash was with two cars and both of the cars were being driven by kids that went to the school. All the kids in that school had rich parents that spoiled them that’s why they had cars none of them deserved to drive

On the very last day of school I remember getting on the bus in the morning and kids talking scrap about me cause I didn’t have a car and was taking the bus on my last day of school in the 12th grade. Then when I got to school I signed myself out in the office (the office people where all jerks). Then I walked all the way home and was never seen again by any of them

Didn’t go to graduation, never went on the class trip, Hell I didn’t even pickup my diploma and of course this is a no brainier, didn’t pay class dues

Yeah, I think it’s save to say my last year of school was really f***ed up (^_^)

I can proudly say I’m much happier now that I’m out of school :-) (^_^)

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

After reading all the posts here I just want to make some comments

My freshman year (which I am glad has just ended)
You just finished freshman year :-O you got a looooooong road ahead, I wish you luck
I was shuffled into a special-ed English class that I was far too intelligent for.
Same thing happen to me for 4 YEARS! I hated being put in a room full of tards every year, it was really bad I mean these kids really were dumb and I was nothing like them, I don’t know why I was put in there
Came thisclose to taking my own life
Glad your still here with us
I dropped out of school when I was 14 and got a job. Sometimes I kinda regret it
Don’t regret it, you might not have a Diploma but at lest your mind is not cluttered with horrible memories of school “like mine” :-(
staff that decided there was nothing wrong with being beat up, harassed, and receiving death threats for no conceivable reason other than, “we don't like you”.
Right on, those lazy ass people in charge of the school don’t do crap when there’s clearly a problem (*egon)

I don’t know if any of you feel this way but I wish I went to a private school instead of a public one, that way I would have been given a real education

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 5 months ago

I agree with everyone's posts. I felt the same way too and sometimes kids just tease your for no reason and I did get harrassed by a boy in the 8th grade. This stuff should'nt be tolerated at all. I did encounted some teachers that were complete imbeciles. One teacher Ms. Clay actually yelled at me when I was collecting attendance I was working in the school office during study hall. I was very upset and then I got yelled at by a security guard, too. That wasn't fair at all.

Then I almost got a 2 hour for leaving school when we had a bomb threat that took place. My mom had signed me and my brother out for the day. :@

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

I did get harrassed by a boy in the 8th grade.
I noticed that harassment between boys and girls was common in school

I remember many times I was harassed by girls “the bitchy ones”. Like this one time in 10th grade… I think it was 10th the years all just bluer together. But anyways I remember it was morning and I was really tired and out of it “more then I’m usually” and the hallway was packed. We all know in a packed hallway you can only walk as fast as the person in front of you, right. Well I felt someone step on the back of my shoe but it didn’t come off so I kept walking and then I hear this group of girls behind me all start talking about how slow I was walking and being all bitchy about it. I was so tired and out of it at the time but if I wasn’t I would have turned around and told them to stop their bitch’n

I hate too when bitchy ass girls try talking scrap and they think their being slick when you can clearly hear them and know. Like one time I was walking down the hallway and I hear this girl and her friend talking about my hair and how they think I never wash it but they were talking a little more quit then usual so they thought I couldn’t hear them. Those dumb asses think cause their talking a little lower I can’t hear them, and because my hair is long they think I don’t wash it, I wash my hair just about everyday

I know it might get boring reading all my stuff but I really enjoy telling my stories about school crap, talking about it helps me get out my aggression towards school

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 5 months ago

I did get harrassed by a boy in the 8th grade.
I noticed that harassment between boys and girls was common in school

I remember many times I was harassed by girls “the bitchy ones”. Like this one time in 10th grade… I think it was 10th the years all just bluer together. But anyways I remember it was morning and I was really tired and out of it “more then I’m usually” and the hallway was packed. We all know in a packed hallway you can only walk as fast as the person in front of you, right. Well I felt someone step on the back of my shoe but it didn’t come off so I kept walking and then I hear this group of girls behind me all start talking about how slow I was walking and being all bitchy about it. I was so tired and out of it at the time but if I wasn’t I would have turned around and told them to stop their bitch’n

I hate too when bitchy ass girls try talking scrap and they think their being slick when you can clearly hear them and know. Like one time I was walking down the hallway and I hear this girl and her friend talking about my hair and how they think I never wash it but they were talking a little more quit then usual so they thought I couldn’t hear them. Those dumb asses think cause their talking a little lower I can’t hear them, and because my hair is long they think I don’t wash it, I wash my hair just about everyday

I know it might get boring reading all my stuff but I really enjoy telling my stories about school crap, talking about it helps me get out my aggression towards school

It's not boring at all. I'm enjoying the stories about your school days and I also like to tell mines as well.

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

It's not boring at all. I'm enjoying the stories about your school days and I also like to tell mines as well.
That’s good, and in that case I want to get out this one story that makes me so mad till this day

I remember it so clearly, it was my fourth day of 12th grade and I had a study hall class first thing in the morning. I was really sick that day with a runny nose and sneezing and all that nasty stuff. I would have stayed home that day but my mom would have laugh in my face if I asked for a day off that early in the school year. Being so early in the year I had no work to do from teachers so I just sat in my seat and tried to relax and take it easy. Then the study hall teacher walked up to my desk and said “are you Bryan?” I said yes then she said “Can I talk to you out in the hall?” My first thought was “what the hell is this going to be about” because whenever a teacher wants in the hall it can’t be good. So I went out in the hall and she says to me “I want everyone to be doing work in my study hall not just sitting around” I said “I haven’t been given any work yet from my teachers” She says “Then you can read the news paper or something, just keep yourself busy” Then I told her “not that it wasn’t obvious enough” that I was sick and really just wanted to sit and relax in my seat. Then she said I would have to go to the office then, I thought at the time that maybe to people in the office had enough common sense to understand my situation so I agreed to go “big mistake”. So the study hall teacher wrote out some note and put it in an envelop and told me to give it to the people in the office. On my way down to the office I was tempted to open the envelop and see what the teacher said in the letter but I didn’t. When I got to the office I handed the envelop to the person behind the counter and they opened and read it. Then told me to go inside the principles office. The principle then said to me “this is very serious, your not doing what your told” Out of no where I started to smile and laugh a little, I don’t know why I guess it was just because the situation was so pathetically stupid. Then the principle said “this is no joke you could get a detention or even in-house for this kind of stuff” so I agreed to do work and got some book out of my locker and went back to the study hall with it and just stared at the first page pretending to read it till class ended.

This experience was a real turning point in my outlook on school and what really made my start to loss my patients

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 5 months ago

It's not boring at all. I'm enjoying the stories about your school days and I also like to tell mines as well.
That’s good, and in that case I want to get out this one story that makes me so mad till this day

I remember it so clearly, it was my fourth day of 12th grade and I had a study hall class first thing in the morning. I was really sick that day with a runny nose and sneezing and all that nasty stuff. I would have stayed home that day but my mom would have laugh in my face if I asked for a day off that early in the school year. Being so early in the year I had no work to do from teachers so I just sat in my seat and tried to relax and take it easy. Then the study hall teacher walked up to my desk and said “are you Bryan?” I said yes then she said “Can I talk to you out in the hall?” My first thought was “what the hell is this going to be about” because whenever a teacher wants in the hall it can’t be good. So I went out in the hall and she says to me “I want everyone to be doing work in my study hall not just sitting around” I said “I haven’t been given any work yet from my teachers” She says “Then you can read the news paper or something, just keep yourself busy” Then I told her “not that it wasn’t obvious enough” that I was sick and really just wanted to sit and relax in my seat. Then she said I would have to go to the office then, I thought at the time that maybe to people in the office had enough common sense to understand my situation so I agreed to go “big mistake”. So the study hall teacher wrote out some note and put it in an envelop and told me to give it to the people in the office. On my way down to the office I was tempted to open the envelop and see what the teacher said in the letter but I didn’t. When I got to the office I handed the envelop to the person behind the counter and they opened and read it. Then told me to go inside the principles office. The principle then said to me “this is very serious, your not doing what your told” Out of no where I started to smile and laugh a little, I don’t know why I guess it was just because the situation was so pathetically stupid. Then the principle said “this is no joke you could get a detention or even in-house for this kind of stuff” so I agreed to do work and got some book out of my locker and went back to the study hall with it and just stared at the first page pretending to read it till class ended.

This experience was a real turning point in my outlook on school and what really made my start to loss my patients

That's really unfair of them to make you do schoolwork and you were doing what you were told to do.

I think the principal had overreacted on this and you were sick too. He should've been a little more understanding, too.

by BigMac

17 years, 5 months ago

That's really unfair of them to make you do schoolwork and you were doing what you were told to do.

I think the principal had overreacted on this and you were sick too. He should've been a little more understanding, too.
Exactly right, they were being dumb and not thinking of what it’s like for the student (o_O)

I belonged in the nurses office instead I ended up in the principle’s office, totally wrong. I think part of the problem was stereotyping. I look like the type of person who would be a jerk to the teacher but I’m not. I bet the study hall teacher said fake things in the letter to make me look bad and figured the people in the office would believe it because of the way I look. I bet too if I looked like a preppy student none of it would have happened, the teacher would have been like, “Ooo you’re sick, that’s too bad just relax and rest in your seat, it’s ok” but NO instead I get sent to the principle’s office.

Plus too it’s a study hall there is no rule saying whether you need to be doing work or not, I never even heard of a person getting in trouble for not doing work in a study hall. A study hall is just some class they stick kids in when they have no other classes at that time