Worst School Year You Ever Had Experince


17 years, 4 months ago

I’m really starting to consider doing a video recording of these reckless high school idiots with their cars. Like I said earlier these kids got someone killed before because of their stupid driving.

If I make a video I’ll put it on youtube for all to laugh at. You will all shake your heads at how obnoxious these kids are (*egon)

sounds like its gonna funny.I cant wait to see those stupid kids.i look forward to seeing it man.

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

It’s going down this Friday, which is tomorrow. I got the camera ready, and I already tested it while riding the bike. I try to angle the camera so the people in the cars don’t think I’m using it so the view is mostly from the corner of my handlebars.

The video will be kind of shaky due to the fact I’m holding the camera while riding a bike but it will still be funny to watch.

And another problem is the wind blows against the camera’s microphone, but I’ll ride slowly so it will hopefully not be too windy sounding.

I think Friday is the best day to do this because all the kids will be excited about the weekend which will most likely make them drive really dumb.

I hope this works out good. I always wanted to show people how annoying it is to have reckless morons drive next to you when on a bike and here’s my chance.


17 years, 4 months ago

It’s going down this Friday, which is tomorrow. I got the camera ready, and I already tested it while riding the bike. I try to angle the camera so the people in the cars don’t think I’m using it so the view is mostly from the corner of my handlebars.

The video will be kind of shaky due to the fact I’m holding the camera while riding a bike but it will still be funny to watch.

And another problem is the wind blows against the camera’s microphone, but I’ll ride slowly so it will hopefully not be too windy sounding.

I think Friday is the best day to do this because all the kids will be excited about the weekend which will most likely make them drive really dumb.

I hope this works out good. I always wanted to show people how annoying it is to have reckless morons drive next to you when on a bike and here’s my chance.

yeah its time people get to see how gay dudley kids really are.I might stop by friday or saturday and check it out

by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

Wait no, change in plans. I just noticed there’s a T.V. show on tomorrow that I want to watch but it's at the same time school lets out.

Next Monday is when I’ll do the video. Don’t worry these kids always drive dumb, there’s plenty of chances to record.

Plus I also just heard tomorrow is going to be rainy

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 4 months ago

Congratulations for being lamer than Larry Flynt's legs, MacDaddy.



17 years, 4 months ago

Congratulations for being lamer than Larry Flynt's legs, MacDaddy.



by BigMac

17 years, 4 months ago

Everything went wrong today :-@

Just as I was about to leave to record the idiot school kids driving one of my parents start talking to me. I couldn’t hurry the conversation enough so when it finally ended and I was getting on the bike to leave all I hear are cars speeding by.

To top it off the camera batteries want dead as I started to ride down the street :@

I ran back in to get new batteries but when I got back out all I was able to record were some buses driving by and no other cars drove by

I basically missed it all do to people wasting my time and batteries going dead.

I’ll try again tomorrow, I feel like I’m jinxed

by Son_Of_Venkman

17 years, 4 months ago

My worst school experiences -

Pretty much all of 2nd grade, 3rd grade, first half of 4th grade (treated poorly by all my peers), all of Middle School where I got suspended three times for getting into fights with people (the other person always got a warning while I was sent home for a day, god forbid the other people who provoked me into fighting them be punished) and one time in high school where I accidentally pulled a fire alarm.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

I know this is kind of random but I thought about how cool this would be. Imagine how cool it would be to go back to a school grade that sucked because people treated you bad. BUT the way you are now is the way you are when you go back to that school grade. For example if you are 19 and go back to 5th grade all the kids are the same as they were back then but you are still 19 and can get revenge on all the kids who treated you badly.

I know I would beat down a lot of kids that treated me bad, even teachers from back then could not stop me these days.

And after you are satisfied with getting back at all the kids who mistreated you you could go back to the present time.

I know it’s a weird idea but just think about it, all the people that you hated back then are all little again but you are big and can defend yourself.

by misfit1

17 years, 2 months ago

You would willingly cause a tear in the space time continum to beat up on a bunch of 4th graders!?