Would they really have to suck in the guts?

by slimer3881

17 years, 11 months ago

he doesnt look all that different, just a little weight issue, but at that age, you usually dont really mind. he has no reason to stay in shape, since he doesnt act as much. but if he lost a few,he'd look like egon again.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

People are saying that it'd be funnier if they're all fat and out of shape. But come on, you know you're not going to be happy if they look like this:

by spengs1

17 years, 11 months ago

Um, what are you trying to say about my friend Bill and myself? I am on the right. (*_*) By the way that's only one picture Bill used of many we took that night, more then 2 years ago.

At least unlike SONY, (until recently) other owners of the franchise or license holders, Bill, myself, and many others who are on this board, apart of GBI, and on other boards have respected and kept the concepts and ideas of GB alive for years. (*peter)

::shameless plug:: Our website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you have a ghost problem, tell us what exit!



by fome

17 years, 11 months ago

People are saying that it'd be funnier if they're all fat and out of shape. But come on, you know you're not going to be happy if they look like this:

Um, what are you trying to say about my friend Bill and myself? I am on the right. (*_*) By the way that's only one picture Bill used of many we took that night, more then 2 years ago.



well… I think so? :p

by Gildir

17 years, 11 months ago

Bill Murray actually looks better now than he did about five years ago (the Lost in Translation/Life Aquatic era). Dan Aykroyd could go on a sensible diet and exercise plan. Indeed, even if GB3 is CGI he should arguably do so for the computer game motion capture. Ray was always pudgy, but not quite as pudgy as Dan is now, and one's weight affects the way one moves.

But it would be unfair, and possibly even harmful to his health, to expect Harold Ramis to lose a significant amount of weight just because we want to see a live-action GB3. And while the Ghostbusters films are comedies, they are comedy-action movies (GB1 is even described as such on its DVD case), and many viewers with fond memories of the first two films would be shocked to see Egon look like Harold looks now. So IMHO, Harold's appearance is the best reason to make GB3 CGI.

by matthew1

17 years, 11 months ago

I don't think having a bunch of overweight Ghostbusters would detract anything from the movie at all. It's a comedy.

I remember some comedian on tv once saying that “in order to look funny you have to be at least one of three things. Old, fat or ugly. I must be bloody hilarious!”

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

I did not know that was you. I meant no harm. Sorry.

by Nix

17 years, 11 months ago

Doc Fritz
How's old Vigo looking now, or is he dead?

Wilhelm Von Hamburg died a couple years ago.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

Don't bank on it!

by JerseyDevil

17 years, 11 months ago

Why you after me? What did I do now? (And how did ya find out?)

You can find me hiding in a food court of the state's many malls; nobody thinks to look there. I'm fond of Chic-Fil-A.

PS: That pic got my bad side.