Would you want a re-release of the orignal The Real Ghostbusters toy line?

by jettajeffro

13 years, 6 months ago

Out here in Phoenix several of our stores have tons left in the collector eisle. Have no idea how long they'll last but they've been out for the last several months. Everything else GB flys fast.

by Zombie

13 years, 6 months ago

I would rather have new and more detailed sculpts plus some figures of ghosts that actually appeared in the cartoon.

by slimelord1

13 years, 6 months ago

I definitely would, it'd be a dream for me to have all of the original RGB toys re-issued.

by SlimedMe

13 years, 6 months ago

I think they could do another 4 piece box set with rgb styled heads and packs on the existing bodies. However the GB2 4 pack only seemed to sell well when it was in short supply, now even to this day there's stacks and stacks of them here for still full price.

wow….over here (Northeastern PA) they sold out REAL quick….got one restock of them,and they went too….haven't seen one on the shelf since December….

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 5 months ago

I don't know. I do still have my real ghostbusters action figures but I am not interested in buying the movie ones from toys r us. I don't think I'd buy new real ghostbusters toys if they did rerelease them.

by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 5 months ago

I don't know. I do still have my real ghostbusters action figures but I am not interested in buying the movie ones from toys r us. I don't think I'd buy new real ghostbusters toys if they did rerelease them.

They wouldn't really be new, they'd be re-issues of the old Real Ghostbusters toys. Like they did with Ninja Turtles for the 25th Anniversary.

I'd definitely pick them up if they re-released them. I wouldn't expect the whole line though, probably the main guys, and maybe Janine and Louis plus the Ecto-1. I'd love to see a re-issue of the Proton Pack lol.

by IgnatzKaspir

13 years, 5 months ago

If they re-released the 4 RGBs in their original jumpsuits from the show, then I might buy them at least for nostalgia's sake. But as for all of the ridiculous variations on the GBs which never made an appearance on the show, I wasn't interested in most of them even when I was a kid, and certainly not now.

I've always said that I'd love to see the RGBs in their original jumpsuits given the same figure treatment by Matty as the movie GBs, and I stand by that. Make PLASTIC, highly articulated RGB figures with navy blue/black(not bright blue) proton packs and traps! If Matty did this, which I doubt they will, I would buy them up in an instant.