
by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 7 months ago

I've played the game on average from 11 PM to however early in the morning. Latest night was till 7 AM.

On Friday a co-worker asked be if I've been on a cocaine binge… close, there was a lot of white stuff after beating Stay-Puft.

I finally beat it two days ago, but my sleeping habits are still out of whack.

God-damn what a f**king awsomely addicting game.

by RickyM

15 years, 7 months ago

i'm still playing, ive just beat the spiderwitch, and i have to say, i had a tear in my eye when i busted the first ghost with ray ‘fat one who escapes the containment unit’ ive been wanting to do that for so long, and the pke makes it look asif your actually there looking through it yourself,

man i soooooo hope this game is the start of a few, i firmly believe if the 4 originals cant do full films no more cuz of there age, then lets sign them up for the next 10 years lending there voice, cuz i am gunna be so depressed when i complete this game, screamingggggggggggg for moreeeeeeeeee, my inner ghostbuster loving child has come out again, you no when people say, ‘i wish i cud go back to my childhood days’ well ive been there the last few days, and it rocks lol.

this game IS true to the ghostbusters and IS the 2nd best game in my list of faves, only just beat by metal gear solid guns of patriots,

who was it that said it wouldnt work, activision? hmmmmmmmmmm wheres the egg gone? oh yeah its on there faces lol
TR i salute and thank you and only hope to see more games, cuz you HAVE it, you are the daddys of gaming cuz YOU one else YOU have the ghostbusters lol

by muthapussbucket1

15 years, 7 months ago

Yea, Crimson, wait till you get to multiplayer, it just keeps sucking me in.

Love the game.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I have to agree. The Multiplayer does have it's problems…but…so does Halo and a few other games well know for there multiplayer aspects

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 7 months ago

LMAO!!! Thats funny, me too, I been on a ghostbusting binge too

I've played the game on average from 11 PM to however early in the morning. Latest night was till 7 AM.

On Friday a co-worker asked be if I've been on a cocaine binge… close, there was a lot of white stuff after beating Stay-Puft.

I finally beat it two days ago, but my sleeping habits are still out of whack.

God-damn what a f**king awsomely addicting game.