Writers you'd like to see on board

by FaNBoY3000

21 years, 9 months ago

Kevin Smith would do an issue then go off and write anothe movie and leave us hangin for months(Spidey/Black Cat,Daredevil The target).Peter David would do us justice.

by DrkMgcn399

21 years, 9 months ago

I'd like to see Micheal Reeves do a GB comic book. Make an updated version of his Bogeyman episodes and the Collect Call of Cthulu (sp?). The guy did write a few comics and he'd be perfect for it…if he does it.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 9 months ago

Maybe Mike Mignola?

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

ME!!! :d

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Most of my first choices (JMS, Van Hise, Peter David) you guys already mentioned. Let me cast a vote, then, for Richard Mueller, who's been with the property since the beginning (he wrote the GB1 novelization), wrote several great RGB episodes, and even an episode or two for XGB. Keep his streak alive!

by CaptainNate

21 years, 9 months ago

How about Bruce Jones?(Only because I want him off Hulk sooo badly!)

I would like Bendis, or maybe PAD. JMS is probably a longshot.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

PAD would be MY first choice too, but he's writing the TMNT comic for Dreamwave, so I doubt it'd happen. Based on the fact that 88mph teamed up with Image to bring out the Genesis book, it may be that while they're doing the comic itself, they may not be the ones distributing it. Which means a possible further partnership with Image…though I'd love to see them distribute through someone like Crossgen so that they could use a loophole and get someone like Chuck Dixon to write it.

Maybe Joe Kelly, as I hear he's finishing up his run on JLA. He can do “team” books, and he's got a flair for comedy too. (anyone else read Deadpool when it was out?)

As long as the writer's a fan, and treats the characters with respect while telling a good story, I'll be happy…though I gotta say, I wouldn't mind if they opened it up so some of us could contribute a one-shot here and there.

by EgonSpengler

21 years, 9 months ago


*Egon opens up some of his old comic books…. Spider-Man, Batman, RoboCop… (Almost the whole series from Marvel!)…*

Well, J Michael Straczynski (JMS) for one, but he's busy doing some kick-butt writing on The Amazing Spider-Man at Marvel….

Dan Aykroyd, but only, as said above, if Harold was there to help…..

Ectodude…. his EGB/BTTF story Running Out of Time was absolutely astounding….

Oh, yeah! David Michelline! The guy who, with Todd McFarlane, created the original, scary, badass version of Venom: Spidey's best foe! Not only for ASM 300, but all of his Spidey stories have that excellent edge. Just the thing Ghostbusters should have!

Simon Furman! For those who don't know, he saved the Marvel RoboCop series from being too crappy. He brought Robo back into his kickass roots, something Alan Grant left out….

Oh, and a great one would be…..

Frank Miller! It isn't going to happen, because he's doing up Pulsar's new RoboCop series, but after reading his original drafts for RoboCop's 2 & 3, and The Dark Knight Returns, I'm convinced he'd to the series good!

by RogerJohnson

21 years, 9 months ago

The 10,000lb gorilla that is Brian Micheal Bendis would be perfect, the man knows how to a write a good funny book. JMS would be good, Brian K. Vaughn (Y The Last Man) has a cinematic scope of story telling that'd do the book justice. Though over all I'd prefer an unknown without an ego to get in the way. Someone who'd be open to playing in Aykroyd and Ramis' sandbox instead of trying to knock down their already established sandcastle.
Though Bendis is still a first choice, the man has a knack for continuity and staying with a book.. he's apparently got Ultimate Spider-Man plotted till it's mid-60's, probably more now. It's on maybe issue 40 now? can't remember.

by AgentD

21 years, 9 months ago

I don't think Frank Miller should be brought near his this book. His last work (The Dark Knight Strikes Again) sucked royally.