To back: Remember “Quakeburgers.”
Jake vs. Earthquake:
Earthquake dominates Jake until Jake pulls out the snake. Earthquake and Jimmy run, Quake is counted out. Earthquake comes back and tangles Jake in the ropes, Earthquake takes the snake bag to the middle of the ring and announces, “I'm gonna squish the snake.”
*Cue the tremors.* Earthquake flattens Damian with an Earthquake splash, Jake looks in the bag and sees a horrible sight that is not seen on TV.
*Fast-Forward to “Prime-Time Wrestling”*
Vince, Bobby, & Lord Alfred Hayes talk about the incident, they are interuppted by Earthquake who comes in with a barbeque, a chef's hat, and an apron. Earthquake gives burgers to Vince, Bobby, and Lord Alfred, they all enjoy his “Quakeburgers,” only Bobby gets the joke. Then Earthquake announces the real name of the meal, “Snakeburgers,” Lord Alfred vomits, Vince is pissed.