X360 Achievments List/Guide (SPOILERS)

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

still, these ones are much nicer than the ones I've been ripping from xbox360achievments.org

by heslimedme251

15 years, 9 months ago

The hedgebuster one is exactly the same as the quit job one.. soo. wrong pic? lol.

Alright, noone likes a smart arse! :p considering I was looking at a wall of BBCode it was a simple mistake. I've changed it.

And Jay, i've sent the code to you for the change.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 9 months ago

Alright, noone likes a smart arse! :p considering I was looking at a wall of BBCode it was a simple mistake. I've changed it.

And Jay, i've sent the code to you for the change.

It's for the greater good .

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

all right, I'll check it sometime in the next couple days…gonna be away from the comp till prbly sat

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago


all achievment icons in color and slight descriptions added

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

In Retrospect…the Disaster of Biblical Proportions kind of gives away the ending…slightly.

by rodie1

15 years, 8 months ago

Has anyone gotten Back Off Man yet? The game says that I've gotten all of the scans on all the levels but I didn't get the achievement. I got it for Spores, Molds, and Fungus as soon as I scanned the last thing I needed to scan.

by peterraywinstonegon

15 years, 8 months ago

Kosher! 10
~Remedy a dubious food choice to make the bar mitzvah as orthodox as it can be.
I Love You When You Rough-House! 10
~The tidy arcitectural office could use some Proton-based humbling.
But the Kids Love Us! 20
~The children's reading room has a story to tell, but it will take more than your eyes to see it.
I've Quit Better Jobs Than This. 20
~Some ghosts had a real blowout in the Coat Room. Clean it up?
Hedgebuster 10
~The hedge maze is a real eyesore; do some Protonic pruning.
One down, on the Ground! 20
~Airborne coffins are an affront to gravity; use your Proton Pack to avenge Mother Nature!

I know they're sorta self explanatory but can anyone give some help on the best way to get these?

by rodie1

15 years, 8 months ago

Kosher! 10
~Remedy a dubious food choice to make the bar mitzvah as orthodox as it can be.

Destroy the ham on the buffet table in the ballroom.

I Love You When You Rough-House! 10
~The tidy arcitectural office could use some Proton-based humbling.

Destroy everything in the office where the Marshmellow Minis come down from the vent until the achievement unlocks (you really have to tear it apart).

But the Kids Love Us! 20
~The children's reading room has a story to tell, but it will take more than your eyes to see it.

I got this when I knocked over a tall stack of books in the middle of the room toward the right when you first enter.

I've Quit Better Jobs Than This. 20
~Some ghosts had a real blowout in the Coat Room. Clean it up?

The coat room is to the right of where you first begin in this level. Behind the columns in the lobby there is a door. Go there, there is a door, open it, the room will be covered in black slime. You have to wait until after you turn the power back on to do this one.

Hedgebuster 10
~The hedge maze is a real eyesore; do some Protonic pruning.

Burn all the bushes you see in the maze with your proton stream.

One down, on the Ground! 20
~Airborne coffins are an affront to gravity; use your Proton Pack to avenge Mother Nature!

The coffins that fly out of the ground, just shoot them with a proton stream, boson dart, etc. You only need to blast one I believe.

If you need any other help, feel free to ask or PM. I have all the offline achievement except for “Are you a God?” and “Nice shootin', tex.”

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

A note on the One down, on the Ground! achievement. You only have to destroy a single incoming coffin not all of them.