X360 Achievments List/Guide (SPOILERS)

by GeoBuster

15 years, 8 months ago

I also wonder about this, thanks for bringing it up. Does this mean top overall earner on every campaign level AND mode?

I have been working hard with people from two different sites about the PayDay! achievement. No one has gotten it yet. We have tested every variation you can think of EXCEPT getting the top on all four leaderboards.

I've hit number 1 on two leaderboards but the last two campaigns I'm trying to figure out how to grind up the scores on. People are jerks and feel the need to exploit a glitch and expand their scores to a point where it's not just play the three missions but grind out for an hour to even approach the score. I'm not going to elaborate on the glitch at the moment but I'll let you guys know if it is hitting number one on all four leaderboards.

Edit: And while we're at it, no one has gotten Polar Slimer to appear yet to allow us to get the most wanted ghosts achievement too. Just FYI.

by GeoBuster

15 years, 8 months ago

I think we can safely conclude that ‘Payday!’ is glitched.

I've done everything including being number 1 on all the leaderboards concerning the specific campaigns.

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

A friend of mine and I completed all the Containment modes last night, but I didn't get Gozer's Most Wanted. I assume it's because I haven't technically “completed” some of the Protection and Destruction jobs. I'm not going to force it though. I'm sure it will happen naturally since I plan on playing a whole bunch.

by what_did_you_do_ray1

15 years, 8 months ago

i still can not get polar slimer ive won at least 8 times at slime dunk and over 30 slimers dunked and 9 million in cash . any new word on this glitchy bugger

by GeoBuster

15 years, 8 months ago

No one has gotten Polar Slimer appear.

People have tried 20 dunks on every map.
People have tried 20 SLIME dunks on every map.
People have tried 20 SLIME dunks of BLUE slimers only, on every map.
People have tried 20 STATIS dunks on every map.

It's glitched just like Payday

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, I've gotten all the non glitched achievements. Here's hoping that a patch is in the works.

by GeoBuster

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, I've gotten all the non glitched achievements. Here's hoping that a patch is in the works.

Right behind you, and yes Atari is aware of the glitched achievements.

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

Any idea if they're working on a patch?

Oh and as of tonight, I have all the non-glitched most wanted ghosts too… and I KNOW I've got the requirements for them to show.

by clockworkman

15 years, 8 months ago

For the life of me I cannot slime tether a ghost!!!!!

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

slime tethering is easy, just attach the 1st end close to the trap before you attach the second end to a ghost

wanna know what's hard? The “Nice Shootin Tex” achievment. Trying to NOT damage anything is fricken difficult. I've made it through the museum now and have only racked up a lil less than $8000 total so I got one last level before I can stop worrying about breaking stuff.