XBL content for GBTVG

by JimPhelps

15 years, 9 months ago

Has there been any word on content for the XBL crowd? We've seen all the fancy cool stuff PSN owners will get. What do Xbox owners get? Will we get a GB costume w/pack for our avatars or something? Ive heard nothing and I'm curious.

by GuruAskew

15 years, 9 months ago

No. The PS3 Home content has been announced for (I think) 5/28 but if there's any area where Sony is going to screw 360 owners it's here.

They did the same thing with Activision's “Spider-Man 3” game. They wanted the game itself available on competing platforms like the 360 but Sony made sure that their console got exclusive bonuses, particularly the playable Green Goblin.

Granted, the Goblin was eventually available on Xbox Live but not until the around the time the movie came out on DVD. PS3 owners, on the other hand, had access to it on day 1.

Ultimately we're lucky that it's even coming out on the 360 (and those of us not in the US aren't getting it for several months) because “Ghostbusters” is Sony's IP and they easily could have gone developed it themselves as a Playstation exclusive instead of licensing the rights to Activision (which is a whole other story) but this is where they'll flex their “exclusivity” muscle, on the extras.

Of course, I hope I'm wrong. I hope we get themes and gamerpics on the same day the PS3 owners are getting their Home content.

by JimPhelps

15 years, 9 months ago

I understand that. I just assumed that a company whose bottom line is revenue would want more of that coming in by having extras for both consoles. I know Sony owns PS, etc and since Im American I should be bowing to the great Sony gods that they didn't screw me outta being able to play the game in June. But still, aside from all the rational “give thanks for what you have” kinda mentality, I still wish there were some extras or even ANY content with GBs on XBL. I thought perhaps something would be coming down either by now or soon.

by GuruAskew

15 years, 9 months ago

Ultimately I think there is a chance that Xbox Live stuff will be coming out on that same release date for the Playstation Home content. Maybe like a 50/50 chance.

If we don't get it on 5/28 then I doubt we'll get it at all.

It's really a “wait and see” situation because this type of stuff is usually just released with little fanfare. They usually won't announce it in advance, you just log into XBL one day and it's there.

But yeah, I definitely want it. I rarely pay for themes and gamerpics but “Ghostbusters” is one of the few properties where I'd gladly pay.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Giving that Ghostbusters is a Sony property (unfortunately), I really don't see us 360 users being so lucky when it comes to other content besides the game.

by SolidusR4S

15 years, 9 months ago

You should be thankfull that sony has the rights or else we didn't have even a Ghostbusters movie in the start. But I know what you mean of course so don't take it personally.

I'm from Europe(NL) actually and I almost got another heartattack when I heard Atari EU went broke and won't be available to publish the game in our continent. But when I heared that Sony snagged the rights in europe.

I had HAPPY TWITCHES. I was eventually to buy the game for the xbox cuz of my brother we wanted to play this online together. But I was lucky I had a ps3 in the corner. I don't want to wait another few months. |Cuz I am waiting for this one over 20 years. When it was first announced in November 2007 and then it was already a year in development. This was the first time for me that I extremely got hyped about a game.

Eventually I cared for the developers and all their problems , the activision dropping a week before release Aholes, Atari struggle etc.
I read the review in OXM and ACTIVISON YOU DUMBASSES. This game can get sequels to the time-line in which Ghostbusters III will be present. ( so we have sort of speak from 1991 to 2012. In this ghostbusters timeline a game for a year etc. a real ghostbusters game )

But from the content for the Xbox you should not be worried about, but of course Sony has some exclusives. That's normal because if Microsoft had the rights they would put foot in the asses of the owners of PS3. Just don't worry about it.

All will be well.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 9 months ago

Haha, no, I'd rather anyone else hold the property. Pft, I'd much rather Dan Aykroyd himself hold the property since he came up with a majority of it, him and Harold Ramis, they could co-own I guess.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

No arms => No chocolate.

No PS3 => No super cool exclusive content.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

I would just rather have the game then all kinds of side content to be honest.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

I agree with Kane.