I was just trying to say with this thread is I was expecting to see some stuff for the GBs on XBL with the game being this close to coming out. I didn't know if they were going to come out with anything because of the PSN folks who are getting the super duper exclusive package. I wasn't trying to say XBL members need special stuff and I'm going to go cry if we don't get it. I mean, Im not expecting a huge super special item. I just thought there would be something. Yes yes yes, I know, your happy you can play the game and thats good enough for you. Fine. I just wanted to know if anything would be coming XBL way for us 360 gamers who decided not to shell out the dough for the “superior” console. AGAIN I wasn't trying to start a flame/console war about this. I just thought XBox gamers might get a little something. If we don't, fine. If we do, I hope we do.
But getting back to my original point…there is NOTHING coming out on XBL for GBTVG?