Xbox 360 vs PS3.

by ecto_plasmic1

16 years ago

Hey guys as some of us do own both consoles, I would like to know which is takes advatantage of the system's capabilities? Like for an example, The PS3 version we can use the six-axis for hitting the ghost down when trapping it. Then we have the 360 controller which is slightly more comfortable than the PS3 Dualshock3. So let me know guys.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Hey guys as some of us do own both consoles, I would like to know which is takes advatantage of the system's capabilities? Like for an example, The PS3 version we can use the six-axis for hitting the ghost down when trapping it. Then we have the 360 controller which is slightly more comfortable than the PS3 Dualshock3. So let me know guys.

I have mentioned this in a previous thread so let me reiterate just for you.

There is not much difference between the two versions. The graphics on both of them are equal and the only differences are in the minor details. Details that are not even noticeable unless you are really looking.

The true difference is in the control scheme as you said, the PS3 uses the six-axis which is more fluid than the 360 controller, but gets tiring when you slamming a ghost hundreds of time across the walls and floors. The 360 uses the left trigger to slam them while point in a direction which is easier, but not as fluid as the PS3.

I hope that helps.

by RickyM

16 years ago

but you can choose wever you wanna use the six axis or not right?

cuz i gettin it for ps3 and i hate the six axis all together, hope we get to use the normal analogs to do this? also i use to have a xbox and ps3 controls to me are miles better lol just my opinion, fit my hand better you see lol

by RoyKarrde

16 years ago

You can probably turn off the Six Axis but by a few levels in you will be used to it. As for which is better. I believe the game was designed on PS3, and then ported to X Box 360, so the PS3 may have extra objects and effects in the environment because it is based on the PS3's capabilities. You also need to add in the money aspect, X Box 360's multiplayer will cost you about 50 a year, while the PS3 is free, although X Box 360 has better multiplayer infrastructure.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Roy Karrde;134647
You can probably turn off the Six Axis but by a few levels in you will be used to it. As for which is better. I believe the game was designed on PS3, and then ported to X Box 360, so the PS3 may have extra objects and effects in the environment because it is based on the PS3's capabilities. You also need to add in the money aspect, X Box 360's multiplayer will cost you about 50 a year, while the PS3 is free, although X Box 360 has better multiplayer infrastructure.

No offense to you, but I am sick of the PS3 fanboys using that stupid argument against the Xbox360. “XBL cost 50 bucks a year while PSN is free.” I think 5 dollars a month is reasonable for how good the XBL is and how far superior it is to the PSN. I've tried the PSN and it seems that it is too hard to start a game. I go through 50 screens before a match even starts.

Funny how some of these same people say this while they pay $15 a month JUST to play World or Warcraft. Plus you have the expansions packs and such. Which probably makes it the worlds most expensive game, yet no one seems bothered by that now huh? It's funny how this game is a game that no only do I have to buy it, but I have to pay to play. This is why I never got into it. It's a good game, but too expensive for my way of living.

I am just going to use the PS3 argument here: “Good things cost good money.”

I find that the PS3 controllers are uncomfortable to me because it is cramped. The joysticks are just too close together for me. Maybe because my hands are big. I've had this problem ever since my PS2.

Note: I am no way against the PS3. What I am against is the fanboys who follow them. They are both great systems and each one offers something different. Besides this is about Ghostbusters, not about systems. If anything, all that should be talked about is the difference in the control schemes.

And no Roy Karrde, there is really not that much difference not graphically. Sure mouth movements are smoother and are more realistic, but is that really important so as it looks good either way? If anything, I noticed that the PS3 always washes out the colors for some reason. I still can't understand that myself, but eh.

by Yehome

16 years ago

Four letters: RROD.

I had it. Twice.
Then I bought a PS3. And no more Xbox360 games. Anyway, if M$ keeps paying millions of dollars for exclusive DLC, I might get both PS3 and 360 versions.

For the controls, I can't get used to the 360's triggers… But I highly hope that the Sixaxis controls can be turned off, I don't find it accurate and I hate it.

For the garphisms. We'll see but I think the only difference will be the colors paterns.

by RoyKarrde

16 years ago

Scott Sommer;134676
No offense to you, but I am sick of the PS3 fanboys using that stupid argument against the Xbox360. “XBL cost 50 bucks a year while PSN is free.” I think 5 dollars a month is reasonable for how good the XBL is and how far superior it is to the PSN. I've tried the PSN and it seems that it is too hard to start a game. I go through 50 screens before a match even starts.

Which if you noticed I mentioned that XBL provides a superior experience. Just some people are somewhat cash strapped right now and cannot afford to buy X Box Live, especially if they do not have a job.

Scott Sommer;134676
And no Roy Karrde, there is really not that much difference not graphically. Sure mouth movements are smoother and are more realistic, but is that really important so as it looks good either way? If anything, I noticed that the PS3 always washes out the colors for some reason. I still can't understand that myself, but eh.

There probably wont be much of a difference graphically since they have had extra months to smooth every thing out. But the Devs themselves have said they perfered the PS3, and that the game is being built on the PS3 to “show off the PS3's technology.”

I personally do not care what system its on, I have both, and I will probably get them on both. But it is a fact that the game was developed with the PS3 somewhat in mind.

That being said, with as much time the devs have spent on the game, that really shouldn't be a sticking point, as if the Interviews are true, the only real difference will be the audio.


16 years ago

Thats not what they said. They said .
They had to develop ghostbusters on ps3 first because of the agreement they made to carry the license to make the game. It ended up being a blessing because once they cracked the potential of the PS3 , they were able to trickle everything down to the XBOX360 just fine. I own both and I will be buying all versions of the games on all platforms ( ihave a wii and will get a ds) When I watch the movies , I will play the game on PS3 .

When I play with people,
I will always use xbox live over PSN. PSN is still clunky even in it's current incarnation and it is way too hard to start a game with a friend. paying $50 a year to game for 12 months
is actually pretty cost effective. And if you can't afford xbox live , you certainly can't afford to pay for internet access every month cause thats way more. Right now My PS3 is my media workhorse and it's good for that. My Xbox is just more fun to play games on. Not to mention mandatory game installs are annoying. As long as you keep your xbox in a entertainment case with no enclosure your xbox will not overheat , thus no RROD had mine for almost 4 years , no probs and I play the shit out of that thing.

by mdp872105

16 years ago

Here is my arguments.

PS3: More powerful
Xbox360: Powerful but not as powerful as a playstation 3

PS3: Poor online network but its free
Xbox360: Strong online network but cost money (only about 5 dollars a month)

PS3:Reliable (but have heard of problems accruing)
Xbox360: RROD but is under warranty for 3 years and is easily fix for only 20 dollars after warranty. (info on how to do this on just search red ring of death repair. I've done it, its easy)

Controllers are person by person basis but can easily be adjust for each system by third party publishers or by hacking one yourself (for info on how to do this go to got to plug that site in its awesome:-))

Personally I would go with the xbox360 I own one and it has worked well for me and online play is easy to set up. Its your choice but I hope the list I have made will make it easier for you.

by RoyKarrde

16 years ago

With all the talk about the RROD, I would like to remind everyone that the X Box 360 does have a new chip set out that is supposed to pretty much take care of the overheating problems that caused a majority of the RROD. So if you do get a 360, I would suggest doing some research to make sure you get one with the newest chip set in it.