16 years ago
16 years ago
Hey guys as some of us do own both consoles, I would like to know which is takes advatantage of the system's capabilities? Like for an example, The PS3 version we can use the six-axis for hitting the ghost down when trapping it. Then we have the 360 controller which is slightly more comfortable than the PS3 Dualshock3. So let me know guys.
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
Roy Karrde;134647
You can probably turn off the Six Axis but by a few levels in you will be used to it. As for which is better. I believe the game was designed on PS3, and then ported to X Box 360, so the PS3 may have extra objects and effects in the environment because it is based on the PS3's capabilities. You also need to add in the money aspect, X Box 360's multiplayer will cost you about 50 a year, while the PS3 is free, although X Box 360 has better multiplayer infrastructure.
16 years ago
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;134676
No offense to you, but I am sick of the PS3 fanboys using that stupid argument against the Xbox360. “XBL cost 50 bucks a year while PSN is free.” I think 5 dollars a month is reasonable for how good the XBL is and how far superior it is to the PSN. I've tried the PSN and it seems that it is too hard to start a game. I go through 50 screens before a match even starts.
Scott Sommer;134676
And no Roy Karrde, there is really not that much difference not graphically. Sure mouth movements are smoother and are more realistic, but is that really important so as it looks good either way? If anything, I noticed that the PS3 always washes out the colors for some reason. I still can't understand that myself, but eh.
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago