XBOX 360 VS PS3 in relation to The Ghostbusters game


15 years, 7 months ago

Alrighty then! All I have at the moment is a PS2. I realise they're bringing a version of The Ghostbusters game out on that…but screw that for a joke

I'm teetering to leap out into the world of modern gaming and without starting a console war here wanted people to throw me some pro's and con's concerning the two gaming systems

I'm from Australia so there's a bit of a concern with people whether or not the game will be brought out internationally on the 360. And the only advice I've been told is “PS3 graphics look better”

This is all a pretty mundane yet important state of affairs for me here. I just want to drop $900 bucks to play this game. But do I go for column A or column B?


by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

::sigh:: Another one of these….Really?

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

.X Box wont be region locked so you can order the game from the states and not worry.

.X Box is Awsome

.X Box is what everyone here mostly is getting it on so you have a lot of people to play with

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

Oh and exclusive to the X Box 360, unlickable character of Shredder (*egon)

no not really

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Once again, I do not mean to sound rude or anything but there are mutliple threads already in existance that discuss this very topic…and most of these have devolved into a console war.


15 years, 7 months ago

::sigh:: Another one of these….Really?

Oh my, life is hard on the ghostbusters messageboard…

How do you handle all these sub-par humans in the world and still retain your ice cool, intellectual demeanour?


by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

Oh my, life is hard on the ghostbusters messageboard…

How do you handle all these sub-par humans in the world and still retain your ice cool, intellectual demeanour?


Cause he is F'n Awesome

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I do not mean to sound rude or anything but there are mutliple threads already in existance that discuss this very topic…and most of these have devolved into a console war a few posts in.


15 years, 7 months ago

.X Box wont be region locked so you can order the game from the states and not worry.

.X Box is Awsome

.X Box is what everyone here mostly is getting it on so you have a lot of people to play with

I couldn't give two rats about hardrive space. I have a computer for that..yep just want to play ghostbusters and possibly the new batman arkham asylum game

Could you possibly elaborate on why xbox is awesome?

You have to pay for net access from it (screw that) and apparently the PS3 graphics are better and net access is free

I'm so betwix and between *sigh*


15 years, 7 months ago

I do not mean to sound rude or anything but there are mutliple threads already in existance that discuss this very topic…and most of these have devolved into a console war a few posts in.

Link us up!