Here is the list of XBOX Live Gamertags and PSN usernames taken compiled from the thread “Your XBOX360 and Playstation 3 Usernames.” They are in no particular order. If your gamertag has since become defunct, changed, or if you would like to add yours you can PM or leave it on this thread and I'll add it.
***IMPORTANT***Might I make a suggestion: When you add these people to your friends list you should put the message “” so they know where the friend request is coming from. Also, if they aren't on the list I wouldn't add them. I would wait until their name is added on the list before accepting them as a friend!If there are any mistakes please let me know and try to help me keep this list updated. Thanks! And get ready to grab your proton packs and hop in on the action! Have fun and keep it clean!
Name on left is username, the name next to it is either their XBOX Live GT or PSN GT.
NOTE: Sorry, I have been unable to keep up with this list since the launch of the game due to the spike in registered users and their gamertags! If you are looking for someone to play with, I suggest you use the “Search This Thread” button on top and type in their name and a corresponding post with their gamertag should pop up! Thank you! –
demonaz, 12/07/2009XBOX Livedemonaz -
KU4TOrobbritton -
The PhilasiferPandamar -
PsychoJoe01ace2020boyd -
EvilAce2020gbuster1a -
GBUSTER1Amdp872105 -
holyshadow87pantshater24 -
pantshater1224theo136 -
sfguy136SpikeGhostHunter -
Jor RenoE-DUBB -
Erkan93Doe Ray Egon -
ChronicCheetahWSNProductions -
WSN ProductionsLionheart -
Jacob LionheartGB Sales -
The Phoenix00JamesCGamora -
SolomnGamoraOnly Zuul -
decieChad -
Chad Paulsonjustinmarkus -
J10kMNMoobyghost -
MoobyghostGuyCC -
GuyCC75austinthe5thgb -
crazydiamond87YesWe'reBack2008 -
TawdymireJonathan Archer -
AshkihyenaYourbugpalal83 -
I2IKansasCityGB -
namretepSlimersPeanut -
mikey20004Ghostbuster Famous -
GB FamousGhostbusters213 -
L3X213Scott Sommer -
Winks343borjace -
thirteenthmikeWhisk -
WhiskFishercatJonXCTrack -
XCnTrack00GBSUFF11 -
Pep8688skankerzero -
skankerzeroJimPhelps -
Raystantz GBsSamhain -
TheScoundrel241Dakera -
OctalLordEcto Plasmic -
Razorwing23Lord Kane -
Lord Kane773McStrav -
McStrav117ectoplasmic residue -
McDaggerBladex 2004 -
Bladex2121Reapergb -
xXREAPER88XxJodis Welch -
Jodis WelchAyame Ex Goddess -
Ayame ExGoddesstyeron -
QuetzequatleSmurfHunter -
SmurfHunter00Misfit -
Nightblade101heslimedme25 -
RetroHoloSONICR -
SONICR2Kwhat did you do ray -
xphilusAnderson-GB -
gamesta31OGeoBuster -
dropK1CK ninJABrad Redfield -
BradRedfieldGuruAskew -
GuruAskewandru365 -
Andru365BigBE203 -
BigBE203SolidusR4S -
SolidusR4SJay Tigran -
Jay TigranWalter Peck -
thepinkfoxJeffThreat -
Jeff ThreatAPannos36 -
APannos36bigtonay -
BigTonayHeslimedme80 -
sandmanfvrknightswraith -
knlghtswraithUnited0417 -
ANABUXOneill Ford -
Admiral MillerDemonbusterZ -
NoobhunterZX9sam1 -
Nygplaya10marshy -
heroic21PSNChad -
chadpaulsonMatthew -
maglavagnapiero1985 -
piero1985Yehome -
Yehomegbuster1a -
GBUSTER1Apantshater24 -
pantshater1224theo136 -
theo136EctoGT -
RobbsolidSlimersPeanut -
mikey2004blackleby -
ecto1gbMoobyghost -
MoobyghostKansasCityGB -
namretepMuthaPussBucket -
SillySully7Doctor Venkman -
DrDanStantzYourbugpalal83 -
eye2eye1983RickyM -
SlimcrayzWhisk -
WhiskFishercatGB Freak -
Bromin_Brewsterskankerzero -
Ghstbstr4lyfe Raymond Stantz -
kuraudosoulJaa2008 -
jaa2009Skully0282 -
Skully282Anderson-GB -
gamesta31OGeoBuster -
dropK1CK_ninJAandru365 -
WhitePowderyBeefdronein7g -
dronein7gultimategbfan -
ultimategbfanSolidusR4S -
SolidusR4S Peter venkman11 -
COMIC-CONaustinthe5thgb -
crazydiamond1987rockstar232007 -
rockstar232007TimTheTerrorDog -
MolendieTaxiCabFloor -
SNOWBALLMEjayroc1234 -
jayroc1234TaxiCabFloor -
Claybird123WIIpantshater24 -
3988985148862239GuyCC -
1194 6866 4028 3564List updated 6/18/2009