XBOX Live and PSN Gamertag Compiler List

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

PSN - rockstar232007

by demonaz

15 years, 8 months ago


And to those of you sending me friend requests on XBOX LIVE, I do not have a Gold membership at the moment but will be getting one when I pick up the game, so I will accept it then!

by bigtonay

15 years, 8 months ago

Hey everyone, Ive been perusing the site now for quite sometime. Thought I'd say hello.
My xbox 360 gamertag is BigTonay

I will be “working” from home on Tuesday cant wait to play this game!!!

by JeffThreat

15 years, 8 months ago

i would love to play with some other GB fans, so i cleared out my Friends list on XBL, i have 10 open slots, so if you wanna play some XBL, Add me.

by BackInBlack

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't have my PS3 yet, it should arrive later this week though…hopefully I'll have a PSN account before June 16th

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't know if my buddies that play live will get this, but I NEED ghostheads to play with. Some on here I don't get along with, but still my gamertag is the same as username: sandmanfvr. Send me a request and I will add and tell me on who you are.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 8 months ago

Heslimedme80 - xboxlive gamertag SILVERSTREAKUSA

Here is the list of XBOX Live Gamertags and PSN usernames taken compiled from the thread “Your XBOX360 and Playstation 3 Usernames.” They are in no particular order. If your gamertag has since become defunct, changed, or if you would like to add yours you can PM or leave it on this thread and I'll add it.

***IMPORTANT***Might I make a suggestion: When you add these people to your friends list you should put the message “” so they know where the friend request is coming from. Also, if they aren't on the list I wouldn't add them. I would wait until their name is added on the list before accepting them as a friend!

If there are any mistakes please let me know and try to help me keep this list updated. Thanks! And get ready to grab your proton packs and hop in on the action! Have fun and keep it clean!

Name on left is username, the name next to it is either their XBOX Live GT or PSN GT.


demonaz - KU4TO
robbritton - Rob Britton
QZEDDEMOORE - The Philasifer
Pandamar - PANDAMAR
PSYCHOJOE - PsychoJoe01
ace2020boyd - EvilAce2020
gbuster1a - GBUSTER1A
mdp872105 - holyshadow87
pantshater24 - pantshater1224
theo136 - sfguy136
SpikeGhostHunter - Jor Reno
E-DUBB - Erkan93
Doe Ray Egon - ChronicCheetah
WSNProductions - WSN Productions
Lionheart - Jacob Lionheart
GB Sales - The Phoenix00
JamesCGamora - SolomnGamora
Only Zuul - decie
Chad - GhostbustersNet
justinmarkus - J10kMN
Moobyghost - Moobyghost
GuyCC - GuyCC75
austinthe5thgb - crazydiamond87
YesWe'reBack2008 - Tawdymire
Jonathan Archer - Ashkihyena
Yourbugpalal83 - I2I
KansasCityGB - namretep
SlimersPeanut - mikey20004
Ghostbuster Famous - GB Famous
Ghostbusters213 - L3X213
Scott Sommer - Winks343
borjace - thirteenthmike
Whisk - WhiskFishercat
JonXCTrack - XCnTrack00
GBSUFF11 - Pep8688
skankerzero - skankerzero
JimPhelps - Raystantz GBs
Samhain - TheScoundrel241
Dakera - OctalLord
Ecto Plasmic - Razorwing23
Lord Kane - Lord Kane773
McStrav - McStrav117
ectoplasmic residue - McDagger
Bladex 2004 - Bladex2121
Reapergb - xXREAPER88Xx
Jodis Welch - Jodis Welch
Ayame Ex Goddess - Ayame ExGoddess
tyeron - Quetzequatle
SmurfHunter - SmurfHunter00
Misfit - Nightblade101
heslimedme25 - RetroHolo
what did you do ray - xphilus
Anderson-GB - gamesta31O
GeoBuster - dropK1CK ninJA
Brad Redfield - BradRedfield
GuruAskew - GuruAskew
andru365 - Andru365
BigBE203 - BigBE203
SolidusR4S - SolidusR4S
Jay Tigran - Jay Tigran
Walter Peck - thepinkfox
JeffThreat - Jeff Threat
APannos36 - APannos36
bigtonay - BigTonay


Matthew - maglavagna
piero1985 - piero1985
Yehome - Yehome
gbuster1a - GBUSTER1A
pantshater24 - pantshater1224
theo136 - theo136
EctoGT - Robbsolid
SlimersPeanut - mikey2004
blackleby - ecto1gb
Moobyghost - Moobyghost
KansasCityGB - namretep
MuthaPussBucket - SillySully7
Doctor Venkman - DrDanStantz
Yourbugpalal83 - eye2eye1983
RickyM - Slimcrayz
Whisk - WhiskFishercat
GB Freak - Bromin_Brewster
skankerzero - jesse_TEH_WIN
GBSUFF11 - Ghstbstr4lyfe
Raymond Stantz - RedSpecial-
Zalbag - kuraudosoul
Jaa2008 - jaa2009
Skully0282 - Skully282
Anderson-GB - gamesta31O
GeoBuster - dropK1CK_ninJA
andru365 - WhitePowderyBeef
dronein7g - dronein7g
ultimategbfan - ultimategbfan
SolidusR4S - SolidusR4S
Peter venkman11 - COMIC-CON
austinthe5thgb - crazydiamond1987
rockstar232007 - rockstar232007


pantshater24 - 3988985148862239
GuyCC - 1194 6866 4028 3564

List updated 6/09/2009

by doe_ray_egon1

15 years, 8 months ago

feel free to add me as well I have tons o' slots open.

by knightswraith

15 years, 8 months ago

Feel free to add me as well for xbox live i should be on all day on the 16th and if i can find a store in the toronto area doing a midnight release then ill be on sooner lol

not a typo its done with a L as xbox wouldn't allow the right spelling for some reason

by OniellFord

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm pretty sure I said this before, but I'll say it again anyways.

My gamertag is “Admiral Miller”. Of course, I do not have Xbox LIVE…