yellow (or clear) hose coming from flight suit

by emiliograveran

23 years ago

alright, i've searched and searched and searched to find out the purpose of the yellow (or clear GB2) hose coming off the flight suit is for. does it serve a purpose or is it just decoration. please post a response or email me at thanks.

by Glycerine

23 years ago

I think there was a subject on this same topic on here a week or so ago. You might want to check in that one.

by emiliograveran

23 years ago

i would really appreciate it if someone would post the answer here so i won't have to spend the next 4 hours looking for the answers…thanks

by RoboProp

23 years ago

…it's pee tube, my friend…used by militay pilots in the 50's. The yellow tint you see in the movie is supposed to be, you guessed it, pee!


by creed

23 years ago

In that topic a week ago sombody said somthing about a cooling system for the gbs or for the pack.Like air conditioning.smilecome on a that pee tube isnt evan that funny

by ProtonDefender

23 years ago

I suggested that it could inject “ecto-cleanser” in case of an accident. It was a pee-tube for air force pilots, but I personally don't think the GB's used it for that. They don't have any container for the pee to go into, if they did, then I'd agree. Only my opinion though, but it's like saying that the jumpsuits are for airforce pilots, therefore that's what the GB's use them for. . .I think the tubes serve a different purpose, one specific for ghostbusting.

by RoboProp

23 years ago

Why the costumer in the film decided to make the tube part of the costume is anybodys guess. Maybe it was intended to be as “tongue in cheek” in appearance as the elbow pads over the flight suit? Anayway, here's my take on it; if the tube extends from the leg of the flightsuit to the bottom of the cyclotron, maybe the urination collection unit(UCN)is located BEHIND the cyclotron therfore being an obscure part of the pack that no one has explored yet? Maybe a topic for a new post huh?

… someone want to run with this ball?

by ecto-3

23 years ago

The tube is just there, it serves no real purpose as far as we REALLY know. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this subject, it can be anything you want it to be. wink

by RoboProp

23 years ago

That's probably what the costumer thought too.

by emiliograveran

23 years ago

alright guys…i figured it was just for decoration…thanks for your input.