Yes, GB3 will be made...

by iamjacksusername1

20 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters was a classic. It was a very high grossing comedy and is fondly remembered by almost everyone who was around in the 1980's. I actually think the chances of a new GB not being made are pretty small. Look at movies like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and The Nutty Professor. Those were classics and sure enough remakes were made years later. (the Willy Wonka movie is coming out this summer) I definetally think a remake will be made, but the question is when. Bill Murray doesn't want a GB but when he dies, (no, I'm not hoping this will happen soon) a new movie will probally be in the works. My guess is that it won't be a continuation but a remake. The problem is none of the original actors would be in it and it would have a different director. (which could cause the movie to suck depending on the cast and crew.) But yes, I think a remake will definetally be made and that's as close to GB3 as we are going to get. Any thoughts?

by gbmasterman

20 years, 2 months ago

By the time Bill dies, it will be to late to make a GB3.

by river_of_slime

20 years, 2 months ago

First off Sony is smart enough to say no to a remake idea of Gbs! Second the Willy wonka movie coming out isnt a remake of the 70's classic. This is more telling of the book and heck the title has changed as well.

by Jey

20 years, 2 months ago

I prefer nothing than a remake.

by texasgb1

20 years, 2 months ago

I dont like the sound of a remake but it may be what happens. I dont see a remake anytime soon due to the current actors still being young enough to be involved in a production. However, with the story behind GB3 it is very likely the franchise will not see another film untill the origional guys are out of hollywood.

by back

20 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters itself was based upon old time “Ghost crashers”… i could see something Similar comming along in a few decades. you never know. as long as it makes money.
im gone.

by Kingpin

20 years, 2 months ago

This is more telling of the book and heck the title has changed as well.

It went back to the original title.

I would not be in favour of a remake, sometimes the success of a movie is in the time which it was made, the comic has continued on the trend nicely as it's been pretty true to the source, no people to redo the humour, but I'm not sure there's that many actors these days who could do any sort of remake of Ghostbusters justice, and then there's the issue of remakes that bear practically no resemblence to the original…would we like a remake of Ghostbusters which didn't have Proton Packs, or an Ecto-1, or them being kicked out of University?

by drraystanz

20 years, 2 months ago

F**k it, i really dont care about a third film anymore…give some new figs and a possible cartoon sereis and ill be happy. :-)

by slimer3881

20 years, 2 months ago

yeah , these classic films have had remakes, BUT THE REMAKES ALL SUCK!!!, havin a remake of GHostbusters, will destroy everything we love about it, it'll have new actors, some person replacing Bill, and just repeating everything and ruining everything at the same time. a remake is a bad idea. (*egon) :-@

by rays_occult

20 years, 2 months ago

Agreed. Remakes are not really great news, depending on how they go. overall, I wouldn't want a GB remake. There's nothing wrong with what we have now (not that that ever stops anyone). The best part about Ghostbusters is the old style effects. I mean, if they remade Indiana Jones or Close Encounters and made them all fancy, you'd riot wouldn't you? I know I would. This film is close to my heart (laugh if you will) and when people mess with it I cry.

I'm happy if the guys do it with new characters, or don't do it flat out. I much prefer the idea of a television series, that way having different actors playing different characters (I couldn't stand to have a different Ray) wouldn't be such a blow.

I don't want new old stuff, just new new stuff!