Yes, GB3 will be made...

by magikman

20 years, 2 months ago


Yea, a TV show would be pimp as all hell. I woulnt mind it being on the WB or something. Not a cartoon tho, I want LIVE ACTION. Tho if it were on the WB it wouldnt be a comedy, it'd be like buffy or smallville. (FINE BY ME haha)

The ultimate tho would be to have like a NEW GB movie that borders on horror movie. That would be f**kin pimp. Make the ghost really scary and maybe even watch these guys get beat up alil and watch them get challenged. I like the whole hell on earth bit (though it would be a bitch to monitor hell in the containment unit haha but I digress)

I was thinking something like the Ghostbusters meets Hellraiser, or tales from the crypt, or 28 days later (but with ghosts and demons haha), OR give it the feel those reality haunted houses FEAR shows.

THEN people would REALLY understand the bravery in “We ain't afraid of no Ghost”


by gbmasterman

20 years, 2 months ago

Please guys watch the language. Censor some of your words if you use them.

by slimer3881

20 years, 2 months ago

If theres gonna be any GB 3, make it Extreme Ghostbusters, but not the same title, thats silly for a movie title. just call it Ghostbusters 3, its simple and it works, any way,, i think it should star the characters from Extreme Ghostbusters, Eduardo, Kylie, Roland, and Garret.

also, it should be based off of the first two eps, which was them being recruited, trained etc. and busting a ghost in the end, and possibly combine that with Back In The Saddle. (i combined both eps on a vhs, it actually blends and transistions very well.)
anyway, thats what i think

by gbmasterman

20 years, 2 months ago

If theres gonna be any GB 3, make it Extreme Ghostbusters, but not the same title, thats silly for a movie title. just call it Ghostbusters 3, its simple and it works, any way,, i think it should star the characters from Extreme Ghostbusters, Eduardo, Kylie, Roland, and Garret.

also, it should be based off of the first two eps, which was them being recruited, trained etc. and busting a ghost in the end, and possibly combine that with Back In The Saddle. (i combined both eps on a vhs, it actually blends and transistions very well.)
anyway, thats what i think

I'll make my response a short NO.

by Shadow_weaveR

20 years, 2 months ago

If theres gonna be any GB 3, make it Extreme Ghostbusters, but not the same title, thats silly for a movie title. just call it Ghostbusters 3, its simple and it works, any way,, i think it should star the characters from Extreme Ghostbusters, Eduardo, Kylie, Roland, and Garret.

also, it should be based off of the first two eps, which was them being recruited, trained etc. and busting a ghost in the end, and possibly combine that with Back In The Saddle. (i combined both eps on a vhs, it actually blends and transistions very well.)
anyway, thats what i think

I'll make my response a short NO.

lol ditto.

by spectreva1

20 years, 2 months ago

yeah , these classic films have had remakes, BUT THE REMAKES ALL SUCK!!!, havin a remake of GHostbusters, will destroy everything we love about it, it'll have new actors, some person replacing Bill, and just repeating everything and ruining everything at the same time. a remake is a bad idea. (*egon) :-@

Not all remakes suck. Take a look at “The House on Haunted Hill.” The remake was awesome. It did lose some of the classic touches of the original, but still an excellent movie. I agree with you on a remake of Ghostbusters though. There are some movies that shouldn't ever be touched. If it's not broken, . . . DON'T FIX IT, ya know? Knowing Hollywood they'll probably try it one day though and I personally will do whatever I can to keep it from happening. As far as a GB3, I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen, but I think a cartoon series back with the original guys would make up for it. I'm just sick of everyone arguing about whether it's gonna be made or not. If it gets made, COOL! If not, NO BIG DEAL! Get over it! Please! (*peter)

by slimer3881

20 years, 2 months ago

If theres gonna be any GB 3, make it Extreme Ghostbusters, but not the same title, thats silly for a movie title. just call it Ghostbusters 3, its simple and it works, any way,, i think it should star the characters from Extreme Ghostbusters, Eduardo, Kylie, Roland, and Garret.

also, it should be based off of the first two eps, which was them being recruited, trained etc. and busting a ghost in the end, and possibly combine that with Back In The Saddle. (i combined both eps on a vhs, it actually blends and transistions very well.)
anyway, thats what i think

I'll make my response a short NO.

lol ditto.

screw you guys! :p

by wheres_winston

20 years, 2 months ago

see as much as i love ghosbusters… i would not like to see another… not sayin anythin negative about these guys… but they are too old to run around and do some serious business… but ghostbusters will live on through the original movies… so im happy with that