You Know You're A GB Fan When...

by Moxifloxacin

16 years, 6 months ago

We've all seen those lists. “You know you're an 80s kid when” “You know you're drunk when..” etc etc. I thought it'd be fun to do our own. So, You Know You're a GB Fan When…

You're secretly waiting for February 14, 2016 to see if the world will end. :p

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 6 months ago

BEHOLD!! my guilty list of nerdism!

You start evaluating every car you see for possible Ecto conversions.

You know you're obsessed with Ghostbusters when you start looking at things in stores to see if they have parts that can be used on the props.

All your club members in your cell phone has the Ghostbusters ringtone.

-If someone actually does ask you if you're a god, you remember to say “yes”

-You make sure to take a headcount of how many assholes live in your respective area

ur idea of new york sightseeing is visiting only ghostbusters sights

-When you spend a half hour looking for different versions of the theme.

-If you go on eBay at least twice a week and check for new replicas.

-you're still asking about Ghostbuster 3 the movie.

you blurt out random lines at work to see if anyone will laugh or finish off the line.

Your the only person who actually thinks of ghostbusters when you see a pole of any kind

You know what a dale resistor is

You giggle when you meet a baby named Oscar

You think of the end of the world everytime you see a Twinkie

You know what psychomagnatheric slime is.

You know how much Louis Tully pays for Nova Scotia salmon, and could pick Ted and Annette Flemming out of a line up.

You can follow along and say every line with the characters of the movie.

You are not sure if the world will actually end on Valentines Day, 2016

You would actually consider wearing a proton pack in public

You wish your Mayor's name was Lenny so you say “Lennnnyyyyy” when you see him, and if he is rude you can say “I'm a voter- aren't you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?”

You want to perform a genological test on Dana

You would do anything to ride the River of Slime

You would love to be paid $5000 to trash a fancy banquet room

You would love to meet Jennifer at *8:00* to “discuss her E.S.P talents”

When u go on Google Earth to look for the actual fire station/firehouse where GB was filmed

-When someone says “THey don't believe me” or “I don'y believe it” you say “We're ready to believe you.”

-You've written about 1/2 of a GB3 Fanscript!

-Whenever someone asks “Who you going to call.” you always jump in and say GHOSTBUSTERS!

-Everytime you see a “No Smoking ” sign you start humming thetheme.

-If during a musical rehersal when your director would say “Doe Ray” you interupted and said “Egooooon”

-When you're friend calls and you answer and say “Ghostbusters Whada ya want?”

-When you're inchurch and you and your friends are haing an intelligent conversation about Revalations, then you break in with “DOGS AND CATS LIVING TOGETHER! MASS HISTERIA!”

–Remember that Egon was in a special Earth Day show back in the late 80's

-Only wathed Casper to see Ray at the beginning.

-Are still wondering when Winston and Peter will make a cameo.

Every time you go to a thrift store you keep your eyes open for GB toys, clothes, stuff for uniforms, etc.

When you walk into a hotel lobby and you blurt out “Hey anyone see a ghost?”

When you're about to get on an elevator that is full you say, “I'll take the next one.”

When you pre-order the new 2008 video game almost a year before its release.

you successfully pull off the “old man-eating toaster trick” with family and friends at least once a year

-when you got a wrong number call asking for Shaniqua you'd say “There is no Shaniqua, there is only Zuul.”

You know you're obsessed with ghostbusters when somebody blows their nose and you wanna keep it

you're hoping to have your uniform and prop proton pack fully functional (lights and sound) so that you can stand in line at EB Games/GameStop when the video game is released…

… you and your friends complete an exhausting task and you say “now that wasn't such a chore now was it?”

- refer to a newborn as “an ugly little spud”

- when you're guilty of more than 75% of what has been listed, and yet could still add a few more

everytime the TV is on and I hear “paranormal” or “ghost” I turn to look.

by Nix

16 years, 6 months ago

You're secretly waiting for February 14, 2016 to see if the world will end. :p

Instrumentality occurs on Valentine's Day. Bummer.

by Filmfan

16 years, 6 months ago

-watch both GB films once every 2 weeks.

-Search for GB Items on ebay.