you want to talk 80's sequal rumor....

by thePizzaMaster

22 years, 8 months ago

Bill and Ted III? Is there proof of this? I'm getting really fedup with all these rumors. This better have some real proof behind it.

by ghostbusterx1

22 years, 8 months ago

well…there is no absolute PROOF..that's why the post is called “you wanna talk 80's sequal RUMOR”

However, I can tell you that I got the info from a Keanu Reeves interview, where he stated his interest in making the film..that was around a year ago. If they do make it, they'll start working on it after the Matrix movies are completed. There's no studio confirmation yet. I'll try and find the interview online, and if I can..I'll post the URL. I think that him even showing interest is a good, yet disturbing sign!

by DaveStarkey

22 years, 8 months ago

The problem I see with a B&T3is how they will go about it. Will they be in college or in that band…what was the band's name again? Stallion something?

by RentonGb

22 years, 8 months ago

Maybe I missed something but theres a sequal to Bill&Ted?

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 8 months ago

I think it was Wild Stalions or Iron Stalions


by ghostbusterx1

22 years, 8 months ago

ok…the band name was Wyld Stallions…it's so sad that I know that!

the sequal to Bill & Ted's excellent adventure came out a few years after the original. It was called Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey.

According to Keanu, the new movie would have Bill & Ted when they're old and washed up.

by Slimer152004

22 years, 8 months ago

another 80's sequal is coming to theaters in 2004 Back to the Future 4
Michael J. Fox is going to have a cameo and Christopher LLyod is going to be the main charater in the movie along side mary steamberg. Got the information at

by bigpapi428

22 years, 8 months ago

goonies are back!

by spiderscott

22 years, 6 months ago

Goonies 2 will kick ass so will the new rambo, batman,jurrasic park4, indy 4, Catwoman , two supermans,fantastic four, silver surfer, and all the other superhero and sequals.

by Biggsexi

22 years, 6 months ago

Hey, I'm up for it all baby.. but sorry to shoot down some of these sequels, but if you go back to and read the latest news, there will be NO back to the future -4, as quoted by Steven Speilberg himself.. There will be however an Indiana Jones-4 which will start production, it already has Harrison Ford and Speilberg's Signatures on the paper, directly after Star Wars Episode 3 is released.. and there will be NO Star Wars Episodes 7-9.. EVER, as quoted by George Lucas on But after the success of the third one.. I might have to believe he just MIGHT make a sequel trilogy…. Catwoman IS being made, staring Angelina Jolee.. actually you can get all this information at, so there ya go..wink
