Hey, I'm up for it all baby.. but sorry to shoot down some of these sequels, but if you go back to
www.bttf.com and read the latest news, there will be NO back to the future -4, as quoted by Steven Speilberg himself.. There will be however an Indiana Jones-4 which will start production, it already has Harrison Ford and Speilberg's Signatures on the paper, directly after Star Wars Episode 3 is released.. and there will be NO Star Wars Episodes 7-9.. EVER, as quoted by George Lucas on
www.supershadow.com. But after the success of the third one.. I might have to believe he just MIGHT make a sequel trilogy…. Catwoman IS being made, staring Angelina Jolee.. actually you can get all this information at
www.upcomingmovies.com, so there ya go..