youll have fun reading this!!!

by GreenGoblin121

23 years, 3 months ago

does ANYONE have any GB comix? if so, email me,

i have with me a ton of RGB episodes taped when i was very small in the late 80's, early ninties…this is important for anyone who feels nostalgic for old commericials and movies of those days, some even have the original trailer for “the wizard”, and a GB2 COMMERCIAL, advertising the slime blower and the proton pack…(it shows an owl in the background that hoots, and it talks about GB2, and "if you like it send in a letter to so and so to win a ecto-mobile, or something) this is specially for those who still enjoy atari and acdc…LOL!
seriously though, i ahve alotta RGB episodes, on original packaged tapes and taped from the television

lets not get slimed,
wink smile

by b_a_55

23 years, 3 months ago

I would love these tapes how many and how much

e-mail me at


23 years, 3 months ago

Whats The Catch?

by GreenGoblin121

23 years, 3 months ago

hahaha….the catch? the price? how many? these questions be thrice, find your way back to 16 years ago, and youll find your answer….serisoulsy tho? im not selling them, thier a part of my childhood, you know how it goes!


23 years, 2 months ago

So how about you Make kopies and make them available to us? I would do the same for you. In fact I am making episodes available right now!