Your ideal Teaser Trailer...

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

They were solid enough in the sense that they we're energy filled uniforms….I dont think they would have been able to just walk through a wall….Awesome work Venkman. :-)

Wrong set of Ghostbusters, the ‘Ghost Clones’/'Anti Ghostbusters' were the green guys in the old suits… the Peoplebusters were the undead versions of the RGBs.

Or is that, the Real Peoplebusters? :p

by drraystanz

18 years, 9 months ago

LOL…damn technicalities. Your write Kingpin, my bad.

by misfit1

18 years, 9 months ago

fade in to an exterior shot of a suburban street, only one window is lit..
Music plays that isnt completely unlike tubular bells…
fade to black.

Announcer (Vo): The battle between good and evil takes many forms.

Fade in, two priests sit hunched over a young girls bed mumbling unheard prayers, the scene is lit only by a single flickering candle, but its enough to see the breath of the priests in the cold air..Fade to black.

Announcer (Vo):It is a battle that has taken place in many lands.

Fade in, close up of one of the priests as they continue in their prayer, his eyes closed, as he gently rocks back and forward.
A slight groan is heard from off camera.The music grows more intense.Fade to black..

Announcer (Vo): But this time..

fade in, the camera slowly zooms in on the girls face, the light is so dim we can only make out the horribly scarred outline of her face..As the camera crawls closer, the girls eyes light up, a horrible shade of red highlights a demonic grin.. The music swells.. Fade to black..

Announcer (Vo): we're taking it to evils doorstep.

Cut to the girls face as her expression suddenly changes from a menacing grin to a confused angry snarl as she and the audience hear the recognisable sound of a Neutrona wand powering up..

Fade to black.

white text fades in saying :NEVER (just kidding it could say fall or whatever date.)

As the text fades out the no ghost logo fades in.. With the text “Now Hiring” and a phone number. Much like the original ghostbusters teaser.

by xander

18 years, 9 months ago

WOW :-O ! That one gave me chills. grate job (*peter) .

by theo1361

18 years, 9 months ago

Anouncer: NEW YORK
(camera zooms around new york)
Announcer: A city in chaos
(camera around manhellton)
Announcer: when the evil starts to rise
(shot of ghost scaring someone)
Announcer: when all hell is about to break loose
(people running and screaming)
Announcer: their is only one team that has your back and who you're gonna call
(camera outside fire house goes inside fast to the front desk
Peter sitting at desk looks up at camera): What You were expecting the men in black?
Fades to black theme song rolls new title appears
coming soon

by matthew1

18 years, 9 months ago

The famous theme song begins.

We see the famous James Bond style eye.

Ray Stanz walks in to the centre of it from the right.

He turns to the camera and fires a proton stream.

Ectoplasm drips downwards.

It says “Coming to theatres this summer, Ghostbusters III”

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

Y'know… those of you who have Flash experience should give this a try… take your trailers from the page and make them into actual animations.

by misfit1

18 years, 9 months ago

I was thinking of doing something along those lines for Ghostbusters Apocalypse.. Just a teaser or something.

But alas, I dont have flash.

by CardcaptorStacey

18 years, 9 months ago

Anouncer: NEW YORK
(camera zooms around new york)
Announcer: A city in chaos
(camera around manhellton)
Announcer: when the evil starts to rise
(shot of ghost scaring someone)
Announcer: when all hell is about to break loose
(people running and screaming)
Announcer: their is only one team that has your back and who you're gonna call
(camera outside fire house goes inside fast to the front desk
Peter sitting at desk looks up at camera): What You were expecting the men in black?
Fades to black theme song rolls new title appears
coming soon

I can totally imagine that, with that guy's voice!! Excellent!

by Wonderlandgirl

18 years, 8 months ago

Hmmm…I'm gonna give this a shot…

(Close on a scary-looking door, with a large, gargoyle head for a knocker)

(Cut to a group of small children, standing on the front stoop, dressed in Halloween costumes knocking on the door. You hear it open)

Kids: Trick or treat!

(A horrible green light glows on the kids, you hear whatever has opened the door snarl and growl loudly and the kids scream and run away. The door slams shut)

TEXT: 20 Minutes Later

(Close on the door again, a black gloved hand knocks on it, and it swings open)

(Cut to Venkman, Spengler, Stantz and Zeddmore, standing on the doorstep in uniform with their proton packs, their throwers ready)

Winston: Trick or treat.

Peter: Why grandma…what terrible…everything you have…

(The horrible green light glows on them as it did the kids, and whatever they are facing growls and snarls again)

Ray: Get her!!

(They blast her)

(Cut to black, and then the no-ghost logo)