fade in to an exterior shot of a suburban street, only one window is lit..
Music plays that isnt completely unlike tubular bells…
fade to black.
Announcer (Vo): The battle between good and evil takes many forms.
Fade in, two priests sit hunched over a young girls bed mumbling unheard prayers, the scene is lit only by a single flickering candle, but its enough to see the breath of the priests in the cold air..Fade to black.
Announcer (Vo):It is a battle that has taken place in many lands.
Fade in, close up of one of the priests as they continue in their prayer, his eyes closed, as he gently rocks back and forward.
A slight groan is heard from off camera.The music grows more intense.Fade to black..
Announcer (Vo): But this time..
fade in, the camera slowly zooms in on the girls face, the light is so dim we can only make out the horribly scarred outline of her face..As the camera crawls closer, the girls eyes light up, a horrible shade of red highlights a demonic grin.. The music swells.. Fade to black..
Announcer (Vo): we're taking it to evils doorstep.
Cut to the girls face as her expression suddenly changes from a menacing grin to a confused angry snarl as she and the audience hear the recognisable sound of a Neutrona wand powering up..
Fade to black.
white text fades in saying :NEVER (just kidding

it could say fall or whatever date.)
As the text fades out the no ghost logo fades in.. With the text “Now Hiring” and a phone number. Much like the original ghostbusters teaser.