Should it even exist? i know too many south park episodes that wouldve been alot funnier without censorship. in relation to the above, whats your thoughts? im gone.
by Ecto-1984
23 years ago
I hate cencorship cause it doesnt show everything you should see and hear.
by dave_15
23 years ago
I really don't see the point in censoring shows and movies on certain channels. I mean, if one station shows you everything then why can't all stations show the same thing? It's still on television either way.
by SkullLeader
23 years ago
It makes no sense. I don't pay for the friggen' censor, I pay for TV! Not to mention it costs them more money too. Bastards.
by Jay_Tigran
23 years ago
I think we should censor the censors.
by Kingpin
23 years ago
Beats the point of paying for T.V.
by Dr.Venkman
23 years ago
I don't like it at all, but fortunately I have seen some “questionable” things slide lately…
by Ectoman
23 years ago
Censorship sucks.. bottomline..
by Mario
23 years ago
You know what I want to say.
23 years ago
Censorship is good to a certain degree. For instance you would not want a 3yr. old to be watching exotic lesbian porn.