Oh man, let's talk about that: TATOO!
Dang! I don't care about tatoo, some looks great, some are cool and some are not.
Well, I didn't care about tatoo until my nephew gived me a surprise visit.
I don't hear from him much, his place is a bit far and my sister (not the one i'm referring to in my other post) is……. strange.
When I saw his shoulder I asked him “wow, it's almost real!”
he said - It's because it's real.
- No you kiding me.
- No it's true.
I took him in the kitchen saying: “ You ask for it”
I started to wash his arm with soap…
-See, it disapear!
He jumped - It's impossible, it's not a fake!
Looking closely, I shout - It's a F*!@#% real tatoo!!!
He simply add - I told you.
- But it's impossible… you're…. you are only 13year old!
He told me the story. His mom, well my stupid sister, has developed an interest in tatoo. Ok, fine. He would have 17 year old, I would have laugh and blabla about the negative side to remember about tatoo… but 13!!!… What the hell she had in mind?! She answered that question:
-What's the problem?! Our uncle had his arms full of it, so what?!
-He had only two or three, and, what's my problem?! My nephew is only 13!
-Times change (she said, with a voice full of sweetness, made to make you think that your perceptions are maybe wrong about what's goin on), you will understand when you'll have kids.
If she thought that I was going to swallow that… she is realy blind and stupid!
-I dOn'T tHiNk sO!
She became angry and thought I was giving her son a bad time.
*Why should I, his tatoo is already done, what can you do but say to him:
“Well, you have it, you like it, it's the best… but remember: I was good at drawing, when I was 13, and I can tell you that some of the best I made are not anymore to my eyes today, so wait before doing another one because we dont realy know what we like at your age. In your futur, some jobs will maybe refuse you because of that tatoo.”*
I asked my sister why she allowed him to have a tatoo. She answered that she preferred to buy him one, rather than to see him returning from a friend with a tatoo made by badly sterilized instruments! Ouch!
You cannot lower yourself deeper than that!. So I asked her:
“Will you make him drink becose you are afraid that he will become a drunkard when he visits his friends?!?!?!” STUPID!!! :-@
…. Aaaand my nephew and I had a good evening.